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Everything posted by SandBox_Kid

  1. Do you have a price and any other details?
  2. Nice pictures! Thanks for sharing.
  3. Pahrump to Shoshone and onto Dumont was very smooth last time I went.
  4. I think Pete could answer this best. It sounds like an unpermitted event and that could be an issue with BLM.
  5. My latest upgrades were: Rugged intercom and radio S&B particle separator External battery lugs for jump starting ease (Not pictured at Dumont though)
  6. Thanks for the info, but that is posted on the main home page 😉:
  7. Me too. Lots of good times here! Times change though.
  8. Nice! Is that it's new home or are you planning to unleash it again?
  9. I'd like to see a new t-shirt. I found one a year or so ago and it's getting close to the rag bucket. I still have a sticker or two around here.
  10. Nice recovery. That truck looked buried to the axle.
  11. You hit the nail on the head here. Everybody needs to chill out these days and not get agro. Enjoy the dunes and freedom to ride them.
  12. I hear ya! There is more activity on Faceplant than here. I'd prefer to see the trip reports here also, but it is what it is I guess. Maybe it'll come back more, but it is only Monday.
  13. There's an area for monuments. I think it's on the hill, but I'm not sure because I've never been there. Try searching the site.
  14. I'm glad I picked up my X3 at the end of 2018. Seems they've been in super high demand since. About 100 units and 10 days of production lost. https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/brp-preparing-resume-side-side-122520432.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubWF2ZXJpY2tmb3J1bXMubmV0Lw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAGTYE5ml8AoC4alalZudDdPOrreHlXJjuCEF1v7Tdxac_Q1ie8xhnXlOxQ5m6piCfodCm87DpQmEc549sJie0sEaTWcO6CwRasokZgSqfg_YTP5NMI6o6WsVyUjePT_yKVYiypTrhIX3Pj7pqOtCJrlXgzfk2e_3rKm0zGvqAJ9J
  15. Agreed. It just reflects poorly on those of us who aren't abusing the riding areas.
  16. This is just going to increase more law enforcement on all of us!
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