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Vegas FX400

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Everything posted by Vegas FX400

  1. them are some nice oldies :redhat:
  2. damn.....wheres the lift to get up...or elevator
  3. sweet video man.........good job :freakin_nuts:
  4. yea, i seen that in the travel channel also, they have bentley pick you up and drop off at the hotel, i think they said there were no cars allowed at the place and its like a newborn baby and your family ( price on the black market) just to stay........
  5. you mean all that and no place to put your beer.......................that sucks :shocked2:
  6. and the fact that the silouette looks like a damn dust buster........
  7. Vegas FX400


    i had some homeless lady or man(which ever it was) (who also smelled like hot garbage) ask me if i was hiring for any customer svc. positions........................
  8. i liked how he explained himself on that video too......and that he's goin door to door marketing the stuff................i'd had to punch him or somethin if came to my door............"I'm Blazin Hazin and I am gay....i take it in the poop shoot every day"
  9. :fro: That dude is a freakin douche bag...........way retarted and GAY
  10. my wife has an o5 raptor 350 pipped and jetted.....does fine.........but she does want a faster bike now....
  11. that thing is bad a$$.............
  12. yea.....the was this steep a$$ skinny hill that everyone was trying to get up, after all of us passengers got out they were able to do it..........
  13. i think that was an understatement........but oh well as long as it was fun........you guys passed us on sunday on the dunes.... we were about 4 quads and 6 rhinos.........
  14. weekend went awsome......a little drunk fri and sat night.......not as drunk as Pete.......was waitin to get home so i could fix myself some burritos with MUSTARD..........thanks for the hospitality guys.........got in a few good ride on the quad and a few rhino rides also....found some awsome trails.......
  15. we're leavin thurs......a couple of friends are leavin wed......then the rest of the froup on fri....
  16. i dont get off until 6, so i'll probably roll out at around 7 or so....gonna get there pretty late........me and some friends will stumble over to your camp one or a couple nights dunefreak......but i'll try not to be that f'd up this time.....
  17. That was hillarious......he even did the lawn mower, pickin apples and the sprinkler....
  18. "come on craig, lets get hiiiii" craig to smokey
  19. come on , they consider 1.8 million a threatend speicies(how ever u spell it) thats B.S. man.....
  20. leavin that thurs night....some are leavin on wed....in tha meadow
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