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Everything posted by steveo

  1. My Observations: *Nick got his eye fixed *some people call dune freak "PETER" *Jack is a good friend of mine, Daniels that is *Arrons bike is crazy fast (YFZ) *Sand Snakes truck doesnt do well in the sand with the parking brake on. *never eat at McDonalds on blue diamond and rainbow *i either lost weight or Bert gained some, He didnt beat me up the hill this weekend. *if you need a very uncommon piece of metal talk to Bert. thats all i got for now Good times saturday night, wish we were still there.
  2. then you would have to come up with some piss pour excuse like it was pelling off to take it off your truck hint hint hint TACO what if we all moved to Dumont during dune season.
  3. picture of one that i am looking into now
  4. we would anyway.. What if your DDR sticker didnt stick for very long?
  5. sounds like a answer coming from someone wearing Capri's
  6. Yeah i was thinking it would be tuff seeing over the fenders, ohwell i love those cars
  7. We'll after looking at alot of cars and researching each one I think i know what i want sitting in my garage. Monster Manx (Dejong) MX2 I have found a couple for sale and have been in contact with the owners, Hopefully i will be pulling into camp in October with one behind me. Anyone have any input on these cars?
  8. hey stacy if i am bringing 20 big consturction cones i dont think you need to bother bringing yours, otherwise i will leave mine at home. that would be better for me.
  9. what if sand Snake had 2 working ears?
  10. steveo


    but will you go for a ride in it?
  11. no room in those, did someone say Yeast infection Hey Ken i have about 20 big contruction cones in my garage that we picked up in the streets of henderson one night while drinking and driving. They are all yours if you want'em
  12. my truck would overheat what if Paul ruined his best pair of dickies?
  13. my wife's graduating class had a total of 42 students (Monticello Utah)
  14. class of 96 went to high school in Chicago
  15. `I have like 20 big construction cones if anyone feels they are needed.
  16. Then i would move back to Chicago. What if Nick had two working eyes when he drinks? (Wounded eye ball)
  17. I will be there to help, and whoever is in my truck with me will not have a choice
  18. what if your house was infested with koala bears?
  19. Then something else would go wrong to piss me off.... What if everones a$$ started to hurt?
  20. i would drive my truck over there to but i might over heat
  21. if you need to know what NOT to get, give me a call
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