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learning the new camera


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Brought out the new camera tonight and gave it a whirl on some Vegas night shots. Not bad for my first time with a SLR and not knowing wtf I'm doing I guess. :idea::bowdown:

I know they can probably get better than this, but I was just experimenting with all the settings trying to learn how to use this thing. :blury: I'll get there. In the meantime it's fun as hell. :yiah:

(click the pics for higher resolution)

Those little white dots are airplanes. "Fuggin get outta here you a-holes! :whip: I'm trying to take a picture here...jeezuz!" :rant_on: :cry:




crazy looking sunset inferno :idea:


Here is just a shot from pipeline road. Reminds me how much I love this area how you look down at the entire valley. :booty:





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