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With all the other BS going on, I thought I would give you guys/gals something to laugh at..ME. Yesterday I was in Scottsdale, AZ taking my TASER X26/M26 Instructor certification. I passed but with a little pain involved. Enjoy the comedy and yeah there is a little swearing involved.


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We train for that too. But WE stand up! lol also we get hit in the chest with it.

I am on the fence on taking the training. It's a good tool to have but I don't want to get tazed. 5 second ride from hell!!!!

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We train for that too. But WE stand up! lol also we get hit in the chest with it.

I am on the fence on taking the training. It's a good tool to have but I don't want to get tazed. 5 second ride from hell!!!!

Last year I took it standing up and got it in the back, but this time around I wanted to see if I could keep my hands under me and not give them up to the cops. For that exercise they would simulate me resisting and the officer on my leg shoot the probes instead of a drive stun to get me to release my hands. It beats the hell out of try to pry them out with an ASP or PR24..trust me it works! Shooting the lower extremity with the probes takes all the fight out of you. All the other guys in the course took it in the back. The front shot is very risky as there have been probes that hit the eye ball and all sight is lost forever.

Come on, don't be skeered you'll be fine. It's a hell of a lot better than being shot :(

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iam going to take that same course in a few weeks myself. how was it?

me and a buddy are going to take the instructor course.

Are you going to the HQ in Scottsdale? All in all the course was great, right up until the point you get shot. After that it's a stress course and practical applications. If you are going to HQ for the training, you're gonna love the facilities.

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