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Calling On my fellow Duners to the North


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To all the Duner families,

My name is Flavio and we hit the sand South of you In Glamis but we are all duners and live a lifestyle that is unique and sometimes no one can even comprehend so I am ask you to read this and do what ever you can.

Brayden Cesena is a 13 year old that has spent her entire life being very caring and will help anyone and adores other kids. She plays volleyball and is extremely active in school and even carries straight A’s! I have been blessed to know her the last four years of her life and have enjoyed watching her turn into a very well spoken little teen who understands what kind of work it takes to go play. SHE LOVES THE DUNES and cant get enough of the sand!

This is where we had a wrench thrown at us.

I am still in disbelief that this could strike a child so young.

Within the last couple of years she had complained of a mild pain in her foot that would act up when she would play a little harder than normal. After a DR visit they deemed that it was growing pains.

When the pain became too much to bare, her mother decided that It was time to see a specialist. The first opinion after some testing found there to be a tumor-like mass in her foot. A few tests came back all negative and the DR wanted to watch the situations closely and go about our day.

This prompted us to get a second opinion and the DR this go around recommended removal. So after crossing some T’s and dotting some i’s, she had the surgery. Everything went well and she was on her way to recovery!!

THEN!! We get the call the the doctors need to meet with both parents. Well this is when we got mind blowing information that they found a trace of cancer and they don’t really know what it is and now we need to see a specialist at Phoenix Children’s Hospital.

After a few visits, they came back to us and said your daughter is diagnosed with “Synovial Sarcoma Cancer”.

After realizing that there are VERY few Doctors who even know what the word Synovial is we found out that only 5 Doctors in the US can even treat this form of Cancer. It turns out that Houston’s MD Anderson is where we need to travel to.

The support that has been given to us from our close friends and family has been amazing and just shy of a miracle.

Our close friends decided to make her a Page for donations as the travel costs are beyond anything that you could imagine. The Page is going to pay for all her travel to Houston and back to Phoenix.

She will be going for her first consultation the week of the 29th through the 4th of May. Then we get our treatment schedule and find out how long she will need to go to Houston for.

Her doctor projects that she will need treatment 5 days a week for about 8-12 weeks and if they could start today they would but being 1200 miles away is making this a logistical nightmare.

At this point her mom & I and her Father and his wife have all worked together to make this as easy as possible and put our differences aside and help Brayden out. Her Father is fortunate enough that he can get a temporary transfer to his Texas office and his wife can go out for a week or two. I can work in my Houston Branch for a few weeks and Brayden's mom will cover the rest.

I don’t have to explain how this is going to hurt financially but at this point we are willing to sell our souls to make sure we put this cancer to sleep!

One of my good colleagues in Houston offered a space on his property to us since he is 20 miles from her treatment center. I have decided that we are going to take our Toy-hauler to Houston and park it there and live there during her treatment time. You would not believe how expensive a 1 bedroom furnished apartment costs near the medical center. Its money we just don’t have and at this point our trailer is big enough and at least she would be comfortable in her own trailer and all she needs is TV and internet.

With this said we are going to be traveling like crazy back n forth..

If you have any “hookup” or can help in any way, we will need help with travel, rental car, even programs that can help with this situation please don’t hesitate to let me know.


I am hoping that our GD family can pray for her and send her all the warm love that we are all known for.

Here is the link to her donation page.










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My family and I will be praying for young Brayden, and her Family! We went through something very similiar with our lil' boy Jacob, a year ago, when he was 4. Misdiagnosed first as growing pains, and close to 10 months fighting with our insurance, then a few more misdiagnosed scenarios. We were at Children's Hospital of Los Angeles for 3 months. I know firsthand you will do anything for your kids. Sleep is irrelevant, your personal health is sacraficed, and money means nothing in these times. My heart hurts for you guys, but trust me; prayer works! It sounds like she has the right doctors on her side. Be strong for her, and stay focused on the positive. I can't emphasize that enough. You will find love, support, and strength all around you, just as we did, I'm sure. Here's a link to our story, if you're interested: http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=16831 Recently, we are realizing that we aren't out of the woods with our situation, but we will be praying for you!

God bless!

Edited by andydew
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Donation was easy! I hope others here jump on board for her! I don't have a facebook acct, but when my wife gets home, I'll share your story with her, and Im sure she'll post your link on her page.

We will be praying; Please keep us posted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You're very welcome!

There's a lot of good peeps here on this site that encouraged me through our worst days. My wife teared up hearing her story; she happily posted a link on her FB page, and hope it helps! We hope you sense how many good caring people are out there, through your trial, just as we did. And again, please keep us on this site posted!

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Donation sent. Many positive vibes sent her way! Keep us posted on her condition. Stay strong and stay positive.

Have you looked into St Jude's Children's Hospital? They have worked miracles for many many kids.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I got an email update on this story that I thought I would pass along:


Help Brayden Fight Cancer!!!

$11,342 raised of $10,000


Thank you supporters!!

A huge “thank you” goes out to everyone who has helped raise funds for Brayden’s fight against Synovial Sarcoma Cancer! We have EXCEEDED the fundraising goal of $10,000.00!! Way to go!! This is more than the family could have ever imagined possible! Due to the outpouring of love and support for Brayden, we are going to leave the fundraiser open until June 15th. Please feel free to share the link.

Now for an update…..Brayden is scheduled to have surgery on her foot July 9th at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. The surgery will be to remove the plantar nerve and the surrounding tissue with hopes of removing any cancer that might still be present. She will be in the hospital for 7 days and will then remain in TX for about 3-4 weeks for recovery, physical therapy and follow-up appointments. After the surgery, the doctors will know better whether or not radiation and/or chemo will be necessary. Once released from M.D. Anderson, she will return to Phoenix where she will continue with physical therapy for 3-4 months. Additional trips to TX will be required for follow-ups and MRI’s. Thank you again for all of your love and support! We will continue to send updates on Brayden’s progress. Please keep Brayden, her family, and her doctors in your thoughts and prayers. "

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  • 1 month later...

Another update today:

"She is out of surgery and all is good they did a free flap from her thigh and she will be in the hospital with a splint and bed ridden for 5 days they were able to do a nerve graph and hope that she will regain some feeling in her foot she will require physical therapy after a couple weeks ...they feel they removed all of the cancer but cannot determine until pathology reports come back."

Prayers sent!

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