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Parents @ kids sporting events


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Okay, I'm about fed up with uncontrollable parents at kids sporting events, ie. football games. I understand you want your kid to be the best, the top athlete, the cream of the crop....but fuggn' hell, is it mandatory that a parent taunt the ref, go down onto the sidelines where the players are and swear at your kid for 'not making the play?' Give me a break. I'm sorry that you never played sports or sucked at it, I'm sorry that you are living THROUGH your child, that you are a broke azz POS that expects your kid to make the big leagues and take care of you for the rest of your life. You really need anger management classes and some :beerpint: maybe get :bawl:

For all the parents out there that are this type of parent :coocoo:

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Okay, I'm about fed up with uncontrollable parents at kids sporting events, ie. football games. I understand you want your kid to be the best, the top athlete, the cream of the crop....but fuggn' hell, is it mandatory that a parent taunt the ref, go down onto the sidelines where the players are and swear at your kid for 'not making the play?' Give me a break. I'm sorry that you never played sports or sucked at it, I'm sorry that you are living THROUGH your child, that you are a broke azz POS that expects your kid to make the big leagues and take care of you for the rest of your life. You really need anger management classes and some :beerpint: maybe get :coocoo:

For all the parents out there that are this type of parent :bawl:

im sorry i got carried away :laughoff:


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Holycrap... where did this come from?

I think that was said out of frustration..... :coocoo:

It is bad to see the parents do that. I helped coach my younger brothers pop-warner football team back in the late 80's and saw that type of parent back then. It used to really tick me off. It's like, let the kid be a kid and play and have fun. It's more than just football, baseball, basketball, or anything else. It's about team work and having a good time. Fact of the matter is that if your kid get's it and excells at it, then great. But if not, don't come down too hard on the kid for crying out loud

My brother played 4yrs. pop-warner, 4yrs. High school, and 2 yrs. Jr. college. He started both ways virtually the entire time. But did he make it to the pro's?? No he didn't, and that was fine with his family. It's a shame that some parents are like that.

My :rant_on: will stop now................. :bawl::laughoff::beerpint:

Edited by HappyHour
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not living vicariously through their kids, but just as bad.

my son had a delayed hearing problem, and his speech is a little off because of it. He has speech therapy 2 times a week

lots of single moms go to this place too, as they offer other services for behavioral problems too. and they take medi-care, which means all the broke-azz welfare recipients go there too.

Some of these ladies let their kids do whatever they want in the waiting room...throw lincoln logs, cuss, take toys from other children.......while the welfare crack ho is texting away on an i-phone :beerpint:

yesterday, my son was playing with a plastic dump-truck, and one of the other kids, with a SEVERE behavioral problem, trys to take it away from Jake. Jake is strong, and pulls it back away from this kid, although my son is 4, this kid is about 7 and almost 2 times his size......well the kid goes Jerry Springer on my kid, and where is this kids mom? outside, talking on the phone, WHILE HER 5 KIDS, ALL UNDER THE AGE OF 10, ARE LEFT IN THE WAITING ROOM UNATTENDED!!! :coocoo:

I get the degenerate away from my son, and my son has his fists doubled up, wantin to go after this kid twice his size...I had to take him outside to calm him down..

I told the office manager that if they cannot insure that it wouldn't happen again, I might be looking for another speech pathologist..

And then the mom hears the story second hand from her degenerate, who is also a liar, and now seems to think MY SON was the instigator....


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