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Everything posted by desertskyz

  1. Easy there boy! I might get all azzhurt. rick. I didn't know you could make your car faster. It was already pretty damn fast. Even with you in it. j/k Hope to see you soon. You goin' to Poker Run?
  2. I have always had Mac but use PC's at work. So I'm pretty preficent on both platforms. However the Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac is killing me. I can't find all the buttons. Kinda like Office 2007 is a pain. I WANT A NEW iMAC.
  3. He didn't call anyone a mexican he said Messican. It's sort of a subrace.
  4. This is how handle things like that, that happen in front of my house: 1. One day a younger adult was parked in the middle of the street across from my house, I was checking out his lifted truck when the drivers window comes down, dude throws out a cigarette wrapper and rolls the window back up. Me being....... well who I am, walk over pick up the wrapper, knock on this window, he rolls it down and I throw the wrapper in his window and said, Sorry, This fell out of your truck and walked away. A**hole. 2. Wigger boy with his stroller, baby and his babymomma are walking down the middle of the street, (what is it about low lives and the middle of the street) anyway, they get just passed my house and wigger boy throws this water bottle down and runs over it with the stroller, did even blink an eye. Apparently this is common practice for him. So I run down my driveway and pick up the bottle and say, Oh! excuse me, you dropped this and I thought you might need it. Wigger boy looks at me like (sorry mom) as I am giving him the F you, you little wigger squeak look. Yeah..... so.............. thats what I do. :kissass:
  5. Remember when your Mother said don't take candy from a stranger? Well............... This is the one she was talking about
  6. This all sounds fine and dandy, but I don't you are allowed to. It's not your property, so BLM would be liable for anything that went wrong, you would probably need permits of some sort, and I sure there is a whole long list of things you would either need or have to have. But it comes down to, you not being a BLM employee. It's hard for me to put it all into words, but I'm sure get get the jest of what I am trying to say.
  7. I think they teach drive by in that general area also.
  8. You could always go with &ra 9na *r If you lose part of you : does that mean you have a ; ?
  9. Why, Why, Why do you keep doing this Post Pulling thing. :surrender:
  10. And this lady can vote also, and we know who she voted for. cheese you gonna love this one. Just when you think you have heard it all, out pops another idiot!!!!!! How about this one for all of the teachers I am forwarding this to. Have you ever heard of such ignorance? How would you pronounce this child's name? "Le-a" Leah?? NO Lee - A?? NOPE Lay - a?? NO Lei?? Guess Again. This child attends a school in Detroit , MI . Her mother is irate because everyone is getting her name wrong. It's pronounced "Ledasha" . When the Mother was asked about the pronunciation of the name, she said, "the dash don't be silent." SO, if you should happen to see something as ridiculous as this come across your desk, please remember to pronounce the dash. If dey axes you why, just tell dem dat de dash don't be silent. (And they wonder why the whole darn country is falling apart...)
  11. At one time there was a plan to get some free asphalt from somewhere, but the cost to get it, move it, and lay it was something like $35,000.00. I'm probably wrong here, but when we went to that TRT meeting on a Saturday last year, I thought they said something like that. Terry help me out with this. Sorry about you trailer Pat, but other then that how was the trip?
  12. We'll have a cocktail when the deed is done. Come down this weekend and check out the yard sell stuff, you might find something you can not live without. Got a Giant bottle of Sippin' Whiskey. I guess it turn into a 5 house year sale.
  13. Moobs dude! not boobs thats, what I have.
  14. Have you ever thought about moving to Idaho and joining a Malisha. If you do I coming with you.
  15. hey! Thunda Steala you stole that from my Joke of the Day. Well said Tim.
  16. Ummmmm? A little indecisive are we?
  17. Thats because our taxes went up. dem welfare folk need mow money. sheeet :B
  18. Check it out. More good news just came. I got the refi. on my house. Payment goes down about 150.00 a month and 5.5% APR. Loggin into DDR must just bring good Karma Thanks Steve for the mail. You got me started.
  19. Well let see. In hiding pretty much. I've missed you guys tons but with the lifestyle change that was forced on me, a little to personal to talk about in a public forum, I doing good. 1. Leaved through H1N1. Not tested for it so let's just call it the flu. My oncologist wasn't taking any chances. 2. Just got a call from a plastic surgery to get a consultation for reconstructive surgery. new tatas. the consultation is on my birthday. OK but I don't care. 3. Did this October 10th. This was part of my team. The Pink Paddlers had a overflow boat that I was on and we KICK THEIR AZZ. We got first place and they voted that the trophy go to me. I think I cried all day. Training for this competition was killer. I knew I was going to have a cardiac arrest at any moment. ( Save Second Base) 4. I've lost 5 pound. Who cares. 5. Having a 3 house yard sale this weekend. I don't have much. Just some BMX pants, a canopy, books, and a couple of old socks. But hell why not. I might make enough to buy an 18 pack. 6. I still drink to much. 7. Pat, I still have that half gallon of Crown. 8. Found a couple of New books. The Secret ( not so sure about that on) and Stumbling Toward Enlightenment (Love this one) 9. I love the Halloween Smilies. I have my Halloween Lights up 10. I still can't type, I'm still a smartazz, I my true friends still love me just like I am. the rest of them. 11. Put a new battery in my truck 12. Had a couple of weeks of random Rhino King sightings. (stop looking a my beer and make your kid behave.) j/k on the kid thing. DDR was always the highlight of my day (most of the time). ie: skys, go back and do spell check and proof read. yeah right
  20. :dumbass: wipe tears :angry2: :fight: whip tears. Good job Bert. OK I have to read it again.
  21. Cole you disappoint me. After all the practice you have had. :dumbass: It was an email i got today from a friend. You and Mike were the first thing to come to mind. After I stopped laughing I knew I had to post for ya'll.
  22. Awww, I sorry. I have had many cheertards (my daughters) in my own house. So to let you know I only meant it as a funny not an insult. :blonde: Aww Haa Sprite fingers for dune season. No Jason your are far from a cheertard, I but I wonder what you would look like in the uniform. :ah:
  23. :dumbass: ROFLMAO http://majman.net/fly_loader.html don't thank me guys
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