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Everything posted by desertskyz

  1. Well what ya need to know is, take the ............ Wished I could meet up with you peeps. Have a great time while your here. :drunks:
  2. Yep he has. And you are going to be the next Roast. Gawd, how fun would that be. DDR roasts Richard Cheese. :bert: :ogp: :bert: :drunk2: :bert: :blonde: :hug: :bert: :B
  3. Yes it is to early to talke about Halloween. Try back tomorrow I like old people, they are so sweet, when their cranky. HOW ABOUT THE MEET AND GREET.
  4. Let's see, take the 40 towards Needles then exit at the Las Vegas/Laughlin turnoff. From there it is only about an hour and a half to Vegas. Or just turn a Baker and take the Tecopa road to Vegas. ROFLMAS
  5. OK look stupid! like this is about like a friggin Meet and Greet. So like if your not down with that, then like don't post anything. Gawd. (snapping gum} Whateverrrrrrrrr. I think this more like a HS cheertard thing. Whateverrrrr. :blonde: Sprite fingers. Oct. 2, 3,4 or maybe Oct. 9, 10,11 Let's do this.
  6. If you were with ISSB you would............Dah! who wouldn't.
  7. OMG Jason, your avatar makes Pete like he's colored man. ROFLMAS
  8. Alright, now I'm all Azzhurt (use smartazz middle school voice) It's ok to have a thread about Halloween but not a DDR meet and greet. Well fine. Then I won't talk about it ever again. Or until about 3 hours. Whatever :blonde:
  9. Lets see, Sit in Primm for an hour and a half, then have to deal with ALL of the azzhat traffic, hoping that someone will make a move and get rollin, another hour and half, road rage, and you have to go pee cause you had a couple of beers at Primm. Naw! I'd go through Tecopa
  10. You can always go to CA via the Tecopa road and hit Baker. You would avoid wait time and refamilize yourself on how to get to Dumont.
  11. LMAO. Good job. I like it. I like it a lot.
  12. Is it too early to talk about a possible Meet and Greet. They are always fun. Small crowds, lots o DDR peeps getting to know who is behind that silly avatar and screen name.
  13. It's all about you my :B . Wooooooot Woooooooot
  14. Sorry Pete. That crop/chop job or your pic sucks. But I love Coles. And yes Mike, I did find one of you with goggles on, but it didn't work. Jason, Your a fringgin' rockstar. Just bored at work and wasting a little time.
  15. This is a once in a life time chance. Well, unless you go to the dunes, camp with these guys, get um drunked up. They will surely sign you a little diddy if asked. And dance to.
  16. i love seeing baby pics of Cole.............. or is that Mike. :fly:
  17. Got you in a stranglehold babe, best got outta my way
  18. I guess if would only be a problem if he woke up naked in a strange place AND his butt hurt. NOW THAT WOULD BE A PROBLEM
  19. OMG! Tha is just what I have been looking for. Thanks mag. I own you a
  20. Remember 27? Hell I have a hard time remembering yesterday. :drunk2: Happy B-day Nick. Have fun, be safe, and and don't wake up naked in a strange place.
  21. I thought that was my song. My daughter see's dead people, and so does her son. :ah: really I like LT cars. zoom, zoom, zoom. and Peep Shows
  22. Just cause. Did I mention that I need to air up the tires on the Sami and go hassle Sandawg, drink beer, and hear about his stories. If the road is bad............drive slow. daaaaahhhh! :blonde: It's gonna take a whole more 10 min's to get there. Please stop dusting me out. If the LEO's bug you, your breaking a rule. Get a clue.
  23. I am behind him 100% http://biggeekdaddy.com/miscvideos/TedNugent.html
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