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Everything posted by mineurbiz

  1. There is still no way to verify that you installed this kit or what size kit you put in without a tear down and doing a bore/stroke check and I don't know about you, but I don't want a ranger doing that. We can debate this, but I bet it is simple, they will go off of what the machine was when it came from the show room.
  2. They are going enforce the law based on what the manufacturer says the motor size is.
  3. Receipt proves nothing, all they have to go on really is what the manufacturer put in the unit to begin with. You can debate it all you want, but it won't change the fact that they are going to go by what it was when it came off of the show room floor.
  4. OK it is very simple and has been shown in other specific, besides how would they know what your motor is, beyond what the manufacturer says it is? I don't see them checking bore and stroke, so what else would they go on?
  5. I don't think it would matter one bit if you can prove you increased the CC's, they are based off of the OEM specs, not the changes you made later. There is no way to prove the motor is what you say, without a tear down and even with that, they are still going to go off of original specs.
  6. As for as what Joe? The helmet law refers to anything under 1000cc's and over 30 MPH capable from the factory, or were you looking for other info? When they look at the specs, your big bore kit is not how it came from the factory, so by law yours still falls under the 1000CC law. A vehicle designed by the manufacturer That seems to be the common verbiage before every definition
  7. DITTO!!! They are the one source that you should go to, since they are (like Pete said) enforcing the laws on those lands.
  8. Grr I have seen them, just not sure how bright this one is going to be.
  9. Yeah kills me, BLM is where most would think to go and check on riding rules, yet they don't have this listed, one of the biggest rule changes!!
  10. Here you go Pete http://leginfo.ca.gov/pub/13-14/bill/asm/ab_0051-0100/ab_64_cfa_20130419_132025_asm_comm.html 1)Prohibits a driver of a ROHV from allowing a passenger to occupy a separate seat location not designed and provided by a manufacturer if the ROHV is model year 2014 or later. 2)Authorizes passengers in ROHVs of model year 2013 or earlier to occupy seat locations not designed and installed by the manufacturer provided that the occupant is fully contained inside the vehicle's rollover protection structure at all times while the vehicle is being operated
  11. Trying to find the updated version, but here is an additional link http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201120120AB1266
  12. Like this, but this one looks like it is not very bright and I have seen some real bright ones Defender Eco Uplight Portable Tripod Work Light http://www.homedepot.com/p/t/203077949?productId=203077949&storeId=10051&langId=-1&catalogId=10053&ci_sku=203077949&cm_mmc=shopping-_-googleads-_-pla-_-203077949&ci_gpa=pla#.UgJr1m1U3PU
  13. The seats are grandfathered in, I believe 2013 and older, can still run the back seats.
  14. 06 will probably bring you under $3500, depending on what you bought it for and what you have into the parts, it probably won't be worth it to flip.
  15. Pure trash, this type ruin everything for others and are not the ones that truly enjoy or appreciate the events they are at.
  16. But the nice thing about a SXS is they are more versatile than a single purpose vehicle, no slamming on buying a rail over a SXS, just that people may have their reason for purchasing one over the other.
  17. http://www.autoblog.com/photos/ram-power-wagon-man-of-steel-edition/#photo-5940772/
  18. The quality of the 3 looks pretty dang good and such a shame when you put it on youtube and it kills the quality! LOL
  19. I usually don't load videos to Youtube, but I loaded a test one from my GoPro Black which looked good on my computer but lacked the same quality on Youtube.
  20. I have a 2007, unfortunately it does not have that panel, wish it did, my 2008 CR did.
  21. Yeah that is the same place my CR had it, but this one does not have that panel, just strange, you would think it would be obvious. It should be on the same type rocker switch, but the only ones I have are the rocker for the bedroom and the slide out kitchen/couch.
  22. Yeah I had a CR3905, but I am baffled where the switch is on this one lol. I might have to just grab a tone generator and disconnect the battery, then try and tone it out.
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