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Everything posted by cycoguy

  1. It has something to do with getting more oil to the top end or something like that... either way I dont care, I Love me 07
  2. I may as well b*tch about something too, comming home to pack for the dunes, go through a yellow light, becuase i didn't have time to stop, turned red and get my picture taken.....fck im screwed...
  3. I need to print that out! and they need to make one for rhinos too!
  4. ohhh, I could'nt really tell, all I knew is those pipes are huge haha! and yeah I hit up pismo alot, I was there last weekend, and will be there this weekend as well! we go there when its hot, and in the winter we go to dumont alot!
  5. Running into twin turbos right? Jeebus that thing is effing sweet...
  6. Maybe a section of the flyer dedicated to camp area behavior, Example, no racing through the camp grounds, and most importantly dont cut through others camp sites...just a thought
  7. I think he means, "DDR is double cool!"
  8. edit: wait, after reading metalaiens post a few times, i'm embaressed to say I think I actually understand it
  9. Extra cash always rocks! lol good luck with finding something you'll enjoy!
  10. I think thats his point
  11. lmao Best laugh ive had all day! lol :edit: I meant to quot Randogs post
  12. I think the engine became the frame lol
  13. personally I think its a wonderfull addiction just sucks when the cravings cant be met...
  14. Mac's are too confusing for my simple mind, when I use my friends, I always have to have him show me up to click to even start the internet up...lol I dont worry about viruses with my PC's I have geek squad take care of all that!
  15. I noticed that too, the tread on each tire is facing a different way.
  16. hmmm I would have to say my dad buying me a quad...that was pretty nice
  17. I stick to Gears of War and Call of Duty 3, all of my friends play Guitar hero2 tho, and love it...
  18. Oh, dont even sweat it Richard, I didn't take anything personally. No worries
  19. Sorry for all the stress, but I found that in places where you think you need to go slow, like the hills and stuff, its better to hual a$$, well as much as you can, lol, and just jump the larger hills...
  20. Like I said in my first post, Im not sure it was the right thing, but it sure as hell felt good, it was the first time I got to see these scumbags face to face, so it was hard to resist...and there were no video cameras guys...
  21. you shoulda seen them lean back and cower, and the face they made as they were getting blasted with diesel fumes! I wish I had a camera! :mic:
  22. Well I just got back from a wonderful weekend at the Oceano dunes, I only crashed once! But it was kinda fun lol. Well anyways after airing up getting ready to head off the beach to go home, we were apraoching the exit and I saw some people to the right of the hard pack where everyone was driving to leave, they were protestors with signs that read such statements as "save the dunes", "no O.H.V", and "stop the pollution" . I was like wtf, these people are morons. Then it got funny, the guy who was driving pulls his diesel right up next to them, puts it in nuetral and just guns it! Blasting exhuast straight at them, as he does this, I give them the double bird! :mic: and as we drove off, one returned the gester. Wether or not it was the right thing to do, it was funny as hell and I have no regrets ...Stupid hippies
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