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Everything posted by chris1223

  1. Im going - and I even got a new generator that is quiet so I dont get kicked out.....
  2. I have an attorney in my office, I cant wait to show him this one....
  3. I was reading this yesterday, an I was thinking do people really get but hurt over what someone else spends their dime on.... The today I get a call from some loser, and he says that he knows someone with 22" wheels fro my Nissan with low pro tires - I was like no and no - I dont want some home skillit tires/wheels that would only hamper my progress in the sand even more then now, and no because I have sold the Nissan and will be getting a Ford by the end of the month.... He goes a Ford, why would you want that POS - so I proceed to tell him cause I want one. He says dont you read consumer reports - I tell him no - Why? He tells me how bad of a rating the Ford gets, and that they are a POS... I then proceed to tell him I dont need consumer reports, cause it passes with Chris's report just fine and it's Chris's dime that is funding it - all he can say is whatever......
  4. So whats it gonna take to get some DDR donations for these people? Im sure Pete will knit some sweaters for the largest donations... Really though - It will cost 1662.00 per week to feed these animals. The figure comes up with just average retail for food @ one can a day for three hundred kittys - Im sure if this was an organized effort, a food distributer would be more then happy to make arrangments for a better price..... Come on people, help the poor kitties - The only reason they are in this shape is because of a few HUMANS that dont take care of business when owning a cat, or any animal....
  5. Humans suck.... http://www.lvrj.com/news/8592707.html
  6. I had a friend do it this way, and he saved some cake and was happy....
  7. No, I just like typing stuff.....
  8. I actually thought about that - but I dont know how - Can you please write a six page FAQ on that topic?
  9. I'm fuggin going biznitches......
  10. Or if you read the link it will tell you on how to turn off the "feature" all together.....
  11. Actually that is a "feature" of outlook express, and the link has the reg edit to stop it..... Can you even use outlook express with exchange, besides with pop3 or imap?
  12. I did not hear/see anyone trying to stop me - but with all those people wanting my autograph, stopping was not an option..... J/K......
  13. google is your friend..... http://forums.techguy.org/business-applica...disk-space.html
  14. Part of me wants to trade my raptor more and more as time goes on.......
  15. You need to watch the cheaper inverters - there are three types - You need the true sine wave type.....
  16. I may head over there - Its down the street from my shack....
  17. I was looking at this picture, and wondering - then I realized that right then Pauly was looking at my bike, and I said "I know, it still sucks" and he was like your not over it yet - Yea I am....... I'm glad what happend today didnt happen yesterday - I woke up around 3 am this morning with food poisening - That would have been rough out there feeding the fish through my helmet.....
  18. Today was awsome - I'm glad I went....
  19. Ultra Vulture is a good band....
  20. If someone wants to share the fuel cost, I can bring two other quads....
  21. Alaska is the best place I have been to - so much stuff to do and so vast..... The sking is probally at Mt. Aleska - or spelled something like that.
  22. Is this the race that is in the evening?
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