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Everything posted by chris1223

  1. I'm going to go this time - so I can tell you guys stories about strip clubs...... Big Fan..... What funny though this is the logest I have seen Damien work in one place since timbers an stephene
  2. It seems to be a common issue with the same thing that happened to the guy that passed - I have a client that is a dentist office and a person that works there was at dumont last year and wrecked her quad - She went to a hospital here in Vegas and they said ooops you broke your coller bone, do this, this, and this - and then sent her home. The next day she felt real bad, and not in the coller bone section - shure enough her spleen had ruptured. Another person that I know was in a car wreck a couple of years ago - goes to the hospital - same chit - do this, this, and this to help with the physical pain. Goes home and after a few days he cant even eat. Goes to the doctor - la dee da, nope nothing wrong with you. Continues for a few more days, goes to the doctor - la dee da - nope cant find nothing and yes we were very thourogh this time - you must be sore. A week goes by, and fortunetly his dad is very wealthy, so he flies him to LA to see a doctor there - run a few tests and they can see that he is bleeding internally - get this kid to the operating room. Five years ago I took my dad to the emergency room cause he just fell to the ground. I had to take him cause I tried to call 911 for a couple of minutes and it was busy. He came back to within a minute, but he was also 80 - not going to take chances. Get him to a hospital and it happens again as Im walking him in. I flip and chit happens like right away. He's there for couple of days, and the doctor comes in when its time to release him, and states that he cant find anything, but he is going to change all of the medication he is taking. He used the same medication probally for 15 years at least - but he is certain that whats causing him to pass out. Bring him home and I go home. Come back the next afternoon after he starts the "new" medication - and lucky me I found him when I did cause his heart was fluttering and was not pumping enough blood. We live in a very transiate(sp?) state - it seems that most of our professions are very green and in a hurry to get this guy out and get another in - Got to turn Invoices.... I dont think we notice it "cause its part of society" and most of the time its to replaceable objects.....
  3. And most important not in peoples camp......
  4. Ill be with my insta-family in the DDR Camp.... Unless there is a camp that has kids in it that we can go to - I have a seven year old with me.....
  5. So I need to replace my clutch for the second time(Dont ask) - Is there any tricks that I need to know of when I put this thing back together? The last one gave me about four hours of riding - I dont think I adjusted it after riding it for awile...
  6. Yea sometimes I dont read.....
  7. Pete - I have a propane heater made for inside spaces that you can use - its actually quieter the the ones in the RVs and puts out the same heat - oooh and its made for Indoors so its safe. Let me know if you need it - I only used it once for the one time I thought it was a good idea to stay in a tent in dumont...
  8. And I can pick up oil (Peanut or Safflower) from bass pro since its right down the street - they sell it by three gallon jugs...
  9. Yep - But Im going to see if we can camp in the family camp, since I will have my part time insta-family (Just add water).... So family campers - Is it kewl we camp with you?
  10. I have a turkey fryer setup if you guys need it.... And Ive done it a bunch of times without mishap....
  11. General rule for western US is 45 degrees elevation and point to SE(Torwards Texas) - youll find it quick from there...
  12. Im kind of curious on the reason for steel - is there wetlands around? Forget it - Im a pin head and did not read the whole thing....
  13. I wouldnt mind meeting up with a couple of peeps to bird hunt....
  14. I was at the second race video in havasu watching those guys race - it was funny chit watching them take the tabletop out of a turn....
  15. Yea if you actually get one from him - I wanted to bring my girl out to logandale last year and ride a quad for the first time, so I contact him two weeks before for a reservation. I get a confirmed reservation via email from him, and I call him and ask do you want 50% down - I really want to bring my girl out and I want to make shure an automatic quad is avalible(Picked out the model and he confirmed it would be there for us). Email this guy five days before and check to make sure everything was good, and once again offer a deposit - He replies eveything is good, no money needed. It may sound like I was being a pain, but he didnt give me a good feeling. On the afternoon before we where going to pick it up, I call and talk to him about when should we be there to pick it up, and once again I offer a deposit - He says 8am and no money needed. I show up at eight with my trailer and talk to his assistant, and he states that a larger group came in the night before and rented all of the atvs that morning and they needed everyone except one that my girl had to shift - so the autmatic was not avalible - and says take it or take a hike. That GUY is a POOR (UN)BUSINESS MAN
  16. Check for Spider Webs - Seriously....
  17. That taping off or anything else to do with rebar stuck in the ground is dangerous and should not be allowed. everytime I run up on that stuff, I go a very different way. There is a reason they make them cap it off on construction sites, and the reason is this - even a person that weighs in at 50lbs has a very high change of having a fatal wound if they trip and have that go into their chest cavity - rebar is sharp even when cut at a 90 degree angle. Imagine if you fell off a quad and on to it - you would be seriously injured. Rebar is 100 times worst then pallets, but the rangers dont seem to be concerend about it. Parents that use this stuff to corral their kids in should have really take a look at the risk they are taking....
  18. Ill be coming out on friday morning - Id rather be on the outside - I go to sleep early....
  19. Sure you can go with me steveo - I will be heading up on my own.
  20. I hoping to camp on the outside of the circle with you guys if possible?
  21. I will more then likely meet you there Nick - Do you have a round about time?
  22. I usally go to Dream Dinners and get food - Its hella good and its easy one/two procedure to make things like artichoke chicken for six people.... And it the whole meal fits in a gallon ziplock so i just grab it from the fridge and all the ingrediants are there....
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