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Everything posted by chris1223

  1. Yep, no title - Kind of sux... Im working on getting one from AZ for two quads, because I dont know about you, But I would now buy a quad from someone without a title....
  2. You will not have any issues opening things up on a MAC. MS Office is a common office suite for the mac and it is cross compatable. All of my internet stuff works fine too - even the porn. I think the porn is even better on the MAC as the screen is great on them. I have been a windows user since day one, but I have a MAC at home and it rocks - everything just seems to work on it....
  3. ooooh ummmmm sorrry....
  4. I dont think he works with power commanders....
  5. A cat or Buddies Exterminating. They get used to the owls, and they just use the spikes for a foundation for their nest. Hotfoot works well too...
  6. A cat or Buddies Exterminating. They get used to the owls, and they just use the spikes for a foundation for their nest. Hotfoot works well too...
  7. Its kind of the same way here - except its a felony(state level) for a unlicensed person to posess weed - but as long as they keep in on the down low, there is usally no issues. This medical thing is kind of out of control here - I see alot of these people, and there is nothing wrong with them. I dont get it - If you want to smoke some weed, why the hell would you want to be registered with the state...
  8. Yea, but I dont see Pete being a stoner - He would probally lite the wrong end on the joint......
  9. To answer the question - No.... It’s not about the soft water, it what the water softener liquid/powder does. Soft water is basically water without minerals in it - I don’t know if you live in Vegas, but our water is terrible (about 700 to 1000 PPM). This is why when you get nice new white clothes and you wash them a couple of times they look tinted(You can experiment with a new white shirt, never wear it and wash it a couple of times. Match with the same type of shirt that is new and you will see the effect). Even though the particulate matter is small in size it is porous, and when there are millions of them in every ounce of water they hold on to dirt and attach to items. When you dump the water softener powder/liquid in to the tanks it breaks down this particulate matter so nothing can stick to the physical object. As far as the blue stuff breaking down the solid particles, that where the detergent comes in to play - it does that for you, and even better then the blue stuff. The bleach in the formula is what the sanitizer is - it kills germs, and better then anything else made/sold to the general public. When you go to a food establishment you would see a surprise in the dishwashers - Bleach and very hot water - That is all that is required by the health department, and what is used to clean everything(Some use Iodine). When I fill my trailer, I use the soft water from the water softener machine from the house - It helps the soap come off allot quicker as opposed to the regular water, and that is important to me for the short showers. The reason it makes the soap come off faster because the particles are not present, so there is no "glue" to hold the soap to the skin - same thing with the tanks - the softener stops sh!t from sticking to the walls and the sensors....
  10. ORR - Throw some of the softener and detergent with that watter and it will be much more effective.....
  11. Just as a note, if using the geo method after using the commercial method do not use the bleach the first tank around. So0me of the commercial products contain things that will have a reaction with bleach - Better to be safe then sorry. I used this method twice now after always using the commercial products - much better......
  12. It wasnt even touched as of this sunday - washboard all the way....
  13. There is also a drain on the water heater to be left open along with the hot/cold low point drains. I have also found that using the "GEO" method on the tanks to really get them clean without having to get in there too often.
  14. Plus you get paid to live there - and its has grand sceanery........ And Catch Some Big Azz Fish.... This guy is a little over 6FT and the fish is 115lbs....
  15. That one is a little toooo green for my turtle....
  16. Wow Terry - you would have really tripped on the one I started to read before I found this one... It was about some guy finding his roomates booty beads in the dishwasher - I got about one sentance into that and was like no way, I'm outta here.
  17. I cant tell if that turtle likes "Big Sexy Claws" though......
  18. Yes I did get it from Craig's List - They have a "Best of" section. I know that I'm a "weird duck", but no I dont have a turtle - and if I did I would not be getting close to his/her parts..... Really? I guess you heard the man Pete.......
  19. My Turtle Needs A Booty Call Date: 2007-02-24, 7:04PM EST I have a very special red-eared slider who recently "became a man," as they say. He deserves everything his little heart desires so I'm kind of hoping someone out there has a female turtle that . . . you know, needs a little something extra. She would be one lucky turtle because my turtle is very cute with huge, sexy claws. And he is also the John Holmes of turtles. That being said, my turtle doesn't need any baby momma drama and since he's pretty young in turtle years, I doubt he's ready to commit to anything exclusive or long-term. So I guess we're kind of talking about casual sex here but I promise that my turtle could give your turtle more respect and pleasure than the average "special friend." If you think that your female turtle may be interested, please contact me. And if you have any pictures, I can show them to my turtle and see his reaction. Thanks! Location: Boston it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
  20. Honestly, do gun laws being tougher really help the situation? If someone is bent and on a mission, I really think they will find alternatives to obtain a gun(s). I think education is the key to helping this issue of kids running around thinking guns are toys. I have been out with kids a couple of times, and when I saw the look on their face when you/they shoot a melon (fruit melon) it was worth a thousand words. I think the issue today is lack of education - think about it - when you where a kid and your parents said no to something, did you not really want to do that action more? Now if your parent was to bring you out to a safe place and shoot at something and the youngster gets to see how destructive a gun can really be, it would break the curiosity "that killed the cat"(most of the time). When I was young, my dad’s guns sat in the corner of the closet - because almost all parents taught that guns are destructive in the wrong situation, and a tool in others. Do I think that practice of storage is the way to go today - no, but the same education should still be there to show the impact of what can happen. Tough gun laws have already been proven to be ineffective in other countries - look at Australia - The same amount of crime is still there just using a different type of method.
  21. Not completly true - You can seal your record and even with a homicide conviction, you may go through the process after 10years of the case being over.
  22. I see where you are coming from - but won’t a different approach make for different results. Just as an EXAMPLE - I call there, you call there, and the whole world calls there - there is no accountability of these calls. What COULD happen is the person answering the phone just gets sick of doing that task and just you what you want to hear. Now let’s say, a professional independent auditor exercises the right to have the books (This is public info, correct? I could be wrong) and go's over the whole thing starting with counting the number of passes purchased from the printer, then the number of passes sold to the customer, minus the voids if there are any(I’m sure there are mistakes). Wouldn’t that take any question out of making sure that everyone is honest in the whole deal, for a small fee out of the DUMONT account. From what I was told in many instances, is that the money from the pass sales does not go in to this general fund - it is for DUMONT purposes/business only. I believe the sign on the way in states that in a short way also. I’m in no way stating that we are being robbed - I just think in my opinion this is a simple way for BOTH sides to be represented. A business 101 approach.....
  23. Do you really think this the right route to take? That is what the meetings are for - To ask questions. I myself are kind of curious of income from these passes too - but this is a business, and like any other business I think the books should/could be audited by an INDEPENDENT source.
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