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Everything posted by Tracie515

  1. That's a great idea, I hope you catch up to me and my kids. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
  2. And which camp is yours? :dance: :dance: :dance:
  3. OMG I saw that on the news this morning. THank god no one got hurt.
  4. OOOHHHH Yager sounds good to me also! :worthless_without_pics:
  5. It really was quite hilarious!!
  6. Halloween is probably my fave time out there! The people are great! Last year i told this teenage girl she couldn't have any candy (joking of course) cause she didn't have a costume, then she pulled up her shirt and bra and the socks fell out of HIS bra! LMAO I gave HIM extra candy. See ya'll soon!
  7. I am so glad he is ok! I am sorry ya'll had to experience that.
  8. I just take my kids where people are outside and if they don't have candy they usually just say so. Oh well on to the next. LOL Most people have candy though.
  9. Had a great time. Tried to make it to the pole for the meet and greet on saturday but my baby got sick so i sent hubby instead. I hope ya'll had a good time. Next time maybe i will make it. Would love to put faces to all these names. See ya all Halloween!
  10. We are still coming this evening but boy am i haveing problems!! The Fridge isn't working in my hauler!! Damn! Just my luck. It's only 6 months old and already having problems. Anyway CYA all out there! :dance: :dance:
  11. I gotta work on monday to or else we would stay another day!
  12. We will be coming out friday night and leaving sunday evening
  13. See ya'll this weekend! I can't hardly wait.
  14. Make that 3, my hubby Michael is celebrating is birthday on the 6th of Oct at dumont!
  15. :freakin_nuts: That's just wrong! Funnier than sh*t but wrong! :dance: :dance: :dance:
  16. We will be there for sure! Myhubby's birthday weekend and that's what he wants to do. And if any one knows us, what he wants he gets! SPOILED BRAT!!!!
  17. Oh i see. I can't wait til halloween! See ya all there!
  18. I agree on not letting the dogs roam. Nothing more irritating then someone elses dog trying to steal your food from the trashbag or bbq even. We don't take out dog with us to the dunes cause i am to busy taking care of my 3 kids to worry about a dog LOL We do take him to the river with us, we stay at rainbow beach and hubby cleans up after him. He is almost alwayes on a leash. The dog not the hubby. LMAO CAN:T WAIT FOR HALLOWEEN!!!!!
  19. Washboard? I thought it was supposed to be paved?
  20. We will be there. With kids in tow! about 4 trailers total. Cya all there
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