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Kens Colors

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Everything posted by Kens Colors

  1. Looking forward to seeing you guys again!!! Welcome back!
  2. Congrats!!! What's funny or more like odd is how many people were calling these stupid gay etc. but now everyone seems to like them. Go figure? Have fun!!
  3. Wow Steve what an adventure glad you got to be part of it!!Thanks for the pics. I was reading about all that in the paper but they neglected to mention the destruction part of all that , go figure.
  4. Pete both of your rails are stupid. Did that hurt your butt? Yea and I will meet you in person and say it to your face. I ain't scared.
  5. Sure was an Adventure yesterday. Thanks for bring me along Cole. It has been along time since a was able to ride for that many miles. All in all a pretty good day despite the mishaps I think we all had fun especially Ava, what a sweet little girl she is!!
  6. yea!!!! for Ava!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that will make live easier for you guys, and for Ava.
  7. It wasn't even my flashlight!!!! Can you believe it?
  8. Ray, we should go do a ride sometime on a mon or tues, afternoon. I have WAY too much time on my hands lately.
  9. It sure is fun watching the progress on this rail it sure scared me when it first showed up in Coles garage, but now it is starting to look like a nice solid SAFE car!!!! I helped too, I held a flashlight last night.
  10. It is a long way for me to travel but I may be able to make it.
  11. I called that episode "kill or Bee killed"
  12. changed this post cause I found a storage spot already
  13. Just like you Pete........Not showing up for a trip Too bad you can't make it. Campfires and sobe bombs are fine out there, so are fireworks, We hardly ever see LEO's out there. Looks like just Steve and I will be camping should be a great night for night riding, I notice the moon was almost full
  14. Cool! If anyone thinks it may be to hot we could always switch to cold creek it's always about 20 degrees cooler up there and a little closer to us on the NW side of town?
  15. I am planning on going!!!!!!! I am gonna go up friday night and camp. Anybody want to go up friday night? Steve? Pete? Bueller? So you day trippers will have a place to pit stop. I was up there a few weeks ago and the road in there was graded super smooth, it was better than it has ever been. So hauling your rigs down into the canyon is easy compared to the last few years.
  16. I heard they found a cure for the swine flu..................................... They call it Oinkment
  17. I am in!!! See you guys sun morning
  18. It's funny that I don't need to post a pic of my quad its already been in 2 posts Nothin like a bunch of people on farm equipment with the right tools to make a repair on the trail! Hi Ray
  19. Very cool. The theme song is stuck in myhead now too. What a great show. Nice pics thaks!!
  20. sheeet had I been online sooner I would have crashed your party!
  21. how is his hand? He tore it up pretty bad on New years didn't he?
  22. I bought one of those platic welders at harbor frieght........... never could get it to work right
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