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Everything posted by WHIZ

  1. Will you and Pete keep me in the loop? I still don't consider myself a local (reagrding places for good music), so I have no idea where to find Ska here. I found out about the VGS's to late to make it to the show.
  2. Mautofied.com is another custom vehicle sale site. There are all types there, not just lifted and not just pure custom.
  3. I just spit water through my nose, THANKS PETE! OMG! DJ Magic Mike, thanks for reminding me how old I'm getting....
  4. Pete, I have a budy that is holding out on Circut City price drops. He said the one he went to last week had 10 40D's in stock (price marked down about 300 already). It may be worth it to drop down to the 40D and wait for Circut City to sell them for dirt cheap.
  5. I'm not sure if you use i-tunes to download music or not. I have most of my mp3's on an external hard drive. If you just need to load music from your computer to your i-pod you can download a free program called Media Monkey. I've totally done away with I-tunes on my computer and use Media Monkey to upload music to all three i-pods in the house. Also, if memory serves me correctly there is a function you have to turn on on the i-pod itself to allow it to be seen as a storage device.
  6. http://arstechnica.com/media/news/2009/02/...-super-bowl.ars
  7. Sticks and Stones Will Break My Bones...... But Whips and Chains Excite Me! That was the one I always liked, hahahaha
  8. Pete and others, I just found this on the interweb, basically a story about XM losing fungus and Sirius ditching punk. On the story is a link to a petition to bring back either of the two punk channels. Website: http://www.orbitcast.com/archives/return-o...-guarantee.html Petition site: http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/bringbackfungus53 I just thought I would share.
  9. Backspin is old hiphop/rap from 80's and 90's Channel is currently labeled wrong, but it is in fact Backspin. This gives me hope that maybe some of our other old favs will come back.
  10. BACKSPIN is back, channel 39..... Just thought I would share
  11. I wish I had a 70, I would love to come out. I thought of a suggestion for the games though, why not a 70 hill climb event at one of the steeper dunes (or maybe finger dunes). Just a thought, use as you see fit.
  12. I'm racist, I hate all of you equally.... I like pizza
  13. My 7.3 PSD is chuggin along just fine (over 230K on the clocks now), but you couldn't pay me to own a 6.slow or the 6.4. I've considered going over to Dodge but only if I could find what I wanted with the 5.9. That's just my two cent though.....
  14. Well, I lied! Son doesn't fly back in from his grandparents visit in S.Carolina until Friday evening. I'm not going to be able to make it now. Oh well, I was really looking forward to it.
  15. I recieved my first couple of hundred gigs from a couple of Devil Dogs that came back from deployments where everyone shared music. You should be able to do the same thing while you're in the sand box. Lots of file sharing amongst the soldiers. 1TB is the way to go before you go, trade music with everyone. I had a goal of having 1TB of music, but at this point I may need more space. Hahahaha
  16. I've been downloading using bit-torrents for years. I use Piratebay.org as my main search for torrents. To download bit torrents you have to first download a bit-torrent program. I actually used bit-torrent for years, but recently switched over to a different program (I can't remember the name for crap right now). Additionally, if any of you down load via a peer to peer system I suggest downloadign a program called peer guardian 2 to run while downloading. PG2 helps interupt the man from tracking your downloads, but like anything on the internet it's not 100% to block the likely hood of you getting busted. I have roughly 630 Gig of music (not a typo) mosstly mp3, but some other formats as well. I have plenty of duplicates and such as I have never fully sorted my music. I usually share with folks and ask that they share in return, so until I sort it I'll never know for certain how much I have. I venture to say I have closer to 600G once sorted. I use a program called media monkey to load music to ipod and cd's so I never have to worry it finds the music for me instead of digging through all my files to find one song for a play list. At any rate I have a 1TB external with my music on it. I'm very weary about loaning the drive out to folks, but if you would like to share some maybe we can work it out some night. My music consist mostly of Rock, Classic Rock, RnB, Blues, Hip Hop, Country, some Hard Rock, Top 40's, some Alternative, some Punk/Ska/Shyscobilly, and some rockabilly. If any of you have something particular you're looking for I could probably just put it on a DVD for you and bring it to the next DDR event I may attend or maybe even drop it off with Pete. At any rate, I have lots of music. Shoot me a message if I can help with your collection.
  17. We have three dogs and go to the place at the corner of Windmill and Pecos. The name is Legacy Animal Hospital. That's where my girl has been going for years, and my dog has been going there for almost two years. They seem reasonable: Legacy Animal Hospital 2591 Windmill Pkwy 89074 Phone: 702-263-9004
  18. Still no snow here at Nellis.....
  19. I may be there that weekend as a groupie, first time back since cleanup day.
  20. Well, h3ll now I feel like a maroon.... I had no idea there was a profile actually named That B*tch Guess I'm still a NEWB. But, I still like Pizza!!!! :stir:
  21. I have no idea who this is about.... I like pizza though
  22. Paint Master Art Studio does good stuff as well. http://www.paintmasterart.com/ I've known The owner Russ since I moved here a couple of years ago, and the other painter over there Shannon (Tall Mohawked guy from Freaks of Nature Car Club) I've known for about 14 years. They're located just off of Tropicana on Polaris.
  23. Craig is beyond a painter, he's a friggin Artist extrordanaire! Was hanging with him at the Paint Master Pre SEMA party. He and Lambie hang around the car club. Craig is a heluva nice guy too.
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