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Vegas FX400

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Everything posted by Vegas FX400

  1. never mind, just read the post again.........duh
  2. is that why the rescue trucks were out there sunday afternoon???? We were heading back from the little store in amargossa valley and they came flyin by us. we were like WTF?????
  3. Congrats man :freakin_nuts:
  4. nice pics mang. Glad you had a good time. Tell monkie happy belated bday. I wanna go there one of these days. Gotta get time off first.
  5. more beer......u can never have enough.
  6. " Im tired of these mutha f#$kin snakes on this mutha f*&kin plane"
  7. they said drive had no license or insurance............thats f'd up. Would like like to SuperSize that sir?
  8. if im running backwards, will i be able to flick this booger as far as if i was running forward with my left hand in my back pocket????? :no_no:
  9. thats some funny shiat............. :no_no:
  10. Carter Power Sports on decatur and the 215 are selling them also
  11. Yea, I thought u were talkin bout some ghetto chick or somthin. " Hey , u know were CEMA stays at???"
  12. sheeeiit..........im tha one who wrote that question.........HEHEHE
  13. My report about Glamis................................DAMN. That place is fuggin HUGE............... :shocked2: you can dune forever and only see a few people Gecko Flats....bad a$$, dusty and alot of $$$ Wanna go again. Didnt make it to Old's hill at night to check out the action..........too busy makin margaritas sh*t load of peeps. Did i mention HUGE. oh yea, and Fat guys can fly..................but just watch out for the quad goes futher than you.( quad made it around 30-40ft. i dropped around 20-25 ft. Flat on my back from about 8-10 up) :shocked2: Glamis has a sh*t load of comp hills... all in all . Had an awsome time , glad i didnt break anything, i thought i did,...............................................................but i Did miss the "D"
  14. omg, that is some funny a$$ sh*t....................
  15. that Nov 06 record was a glich...we had quite a few peeps on for the anniversary.........made the servers .....ssssssslllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww.......
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