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Vegas FX400

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Everything posted by Vegas FX400

  1. " HAAAAAAY, can u guysh, pik up ur trassh when ur dun.............thaaaaaaaanks....."
  2. You had those in the back of your truck too..............
  3. I had that happen to me a few years ago....I had just left the tattoo shop, headin down east sahara, to go to a friends party. Stopped at the light on sahara and eastern, light turned green, the car next to me took off, and so did i. ( left lane, middle lane) he got past me, all of a sudden i see him lock up his brakes and a body fly through the air and land. I had to swerve or i would have ran over his head.........Drunk guys, crossin the street ( not in a cross walk) over to the liquor store.....I was there for about 2-3 hrs til the damn cops showed up..ambulance came and gone.......i just stayed around for the other driver as a witness.....guy lived. Months later i get a call from the drivers ins. company , wanted my statement again. They said the homeless dude has been through like 3 or 4 lawyers trying to sue the driver...........Worst thing is , i never made it to the party.
  4. What?????????? we have to pay a FEE for the Potluck in the DDR camp, oh hell no .............
  5. :shout: ..............yea, that was effed up.......im just glad it was after i left.........i think i would have been in BIG trouble
  6. ...........na, im just too strong for em
  7. pretty much........na, i usually tell my wife......" I'm drunk, im goin to see pete and them............." haha
  8. i agree, let the parents at em...........I remember an old Faces Of Death video where there was 2 girls raped by two guys. The guys were caught, authorities tied them to a tree and let the families shot them ......it was awsome
  9. dam, i just re-read that, and the last part sounds nasty............heh
  10. I'll just have a few at 2 o'clock and prentend im there........I'll just stand by myself and act like im talking to other people...........or i'll make my own south pole...................haha
  11. my wife has a big one of those for me, that way at night i dont go stumbling ( or driving) off over to pete's camp...... ( "Who's that drunk fkr.....oh it's just jay")
  12. hell na.....my truck aka the Albino Rhino, makes it everywhere...........or used to, i dont do that anymore.
  13. thats why i only take mine to comp now.....or maybe the back way to the north pole......but no more duning it anymore.
  14. i know that, that's why i said" Because i wanna be in the cool club" . Im not in the club yet.
  15. cool, cause i wanna be in the COOL CLUB...
  16. i know you can do chicken nuggets, but what about reg. size chicken fingers.....those are my favorite food...
  17. Cole, lay off the .....but that is some funny shiat
  18. i actually was thinkin on starting somethin like that, w/ fresh water fill up too.....................but then i would'nt be able to go ridin........and not alot of $$$ to be made for the investment
  19. well, here's the sophie dancing icon, u just gotta put a hat on her
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