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vegas style

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Everything posted by vegas style

  1. i was at the carson north on las vegas blvd. yesterday and they had several haulers on sale new 05 06 good prices. im looking also but im going to wait for middle of the summer. think i can get a great deal in the middle of the off season. I want a 20' ultra light new or used.
  2. Guess we missed ya pete. mr brown sand and i were out there from 10 to 2:30 first ride was very windy and the razors were pointy many witch eyes. came back to the trucks for a drink and a break then headed back out wind calmed down and it turned into a pretty nice day still a little breezy on the dune tops. dunes were hard to read made for a slower ride. and my first dune crash more like a uncontroled bail! missread a dip at the bottom of a dune and got tossed/bailed was a soft landing and all was good got up laughing. i had been due a crash so ill take this anytime. put the flag on and rode for awhile longer before packing up and heading home. watched a few races but was out there to ride! looked like a good turn out and a nice setup.
  3. i agree a few friends and i went to look at haulers. nothing but a waste of time
  4. Well it didnt make it for pres weekend but that is ok not much good riding to be had with all the fools out. but it is on way to being done . of course i will be out of town for the next 3 weeks for work. going to kill me knowing it is done and i cant take it to play right away . hope to be home for a day trip or overnight on clean-up weekend but i dont have the flight info yet. here are a few new pics with the new bottom end and +3 swing arm . at least this trip will be to new orleans much better then crapass detroit. and it is a anheuser bush convention
  5. this whole post is :gayboy: ken do it! i will be video taping the whole thing if you do. im sure there will be a future use for the video if they do go :gayboy: do they at least get to keep the outfits? paid? or just used?
  6. subaruking25- first comp isnt a road there is no uphill downhill lane that might be how most people do it but it isnt a rule. the rule would be you must drive in control! and if you are racing up a hill and dont know or cant see dont go balls out! this is totaly the rails fault if he had to avoid quads then he knew people were riding the hill in that area and still stayed on it. not like the rhino was racing and hit the rail. and about a beat down i bet there were some people ready to. he hit someone he was in the wrong and seems to have had the wrong attitude about it............fastest and biggest doesnt mean you have the right away..........
  7. caution tape isnt a friend of ours it ends up being trash maybe try some cones next time. and it did get stupid trying to get into our camp by saturday night. we had been there sence thursday morning holding ground just to watch camps push in on top of us so there was finaly only one way in and that was getting caution tape across it. i went and said hey you cant block our only way in. and i got a bunch of crap for it. i just about wheeled through it myself after that. with 20 rigs in our camp i dont think you had the right to become our gate keeper.
  8. bet that would hurt crashing on your gun side....
  9. Ticket fund! ( it was worth the show i donated $5)
  10. Well arrived on Thursday around 5pm and found Vince and crew right away and helped try to keep our space and a way to get to it. had new camps pinch in all around us so by Friday night there was only one way to get rigs to the camp . but we seemed to have room for everyone that wanted to stay with us . comp hill was a zoo most of the weekend seemed like anytime you watched it for more then 5 minutes there was a crash or a way too close to one . sand was all chop and my hands took a beating one longer rides. DDR was well represented every time you turned around you met member . I got to meet several people barefoot bob fun guy, BIG rick sweet car nice guy, Ken Colors couple good rides and some great conversation! many more I cant think of now. then all the regulars camped by Woody and indy the dog and wingnut. the DDR ride Saturday was the regular scramble to the north pole I hooked up with pauly pete and woody for a medium speed dune was a nice line. Sure was a lot of people duning there tow rigs. and a lot of them were getting stuck in places that I wouldn't want to see anything I owned. I know pete has a pic of one high centered on the very top of a cone shaped dune. made for a few good laughs at the idiots. Saturday night was comp hill zoo nothing like 50 moving things on the hill at once going different directions at high speed !!!!! OBSERVATIONS lots of firewood lots of sobe pauly and fmflover like the new trailer woodys dog pees on mailmen pete can draw a crowd vendor row was like a shopping mall went on forever watching jeep racing sounds better then reality pauly is faster then a tahoe dumont rocks :mc_smiley:
  11. Let get this started i had a good weekend. busys weekends are fun to watch the mayham . but makes for some rough riding. ill post up a little later. alot of DDR people and alot of AS THE SAND BLOWS meterial..................... we still need a DDR midget
  12. yea but we will be uphill and upwind from you
  13. I have a friend here in Vegas that is starting to look for a new suzuki 450. he can travel to southern cali AZ or Utah for a good deal or maybe get a price he can get matched here in town. i told him to check with carter to start. i know this thread has been talked about before but i didnt find much in the search.
  14. well after much campfire discussion some of us think DDR could use a real midget (or little person not sure what is PC). anyone have a small friend that wants to come play ??? apply online job includes transportation food lots of drinks and many rail/rhino rides! Costume optional
  15. my next dog is going to be named Meat Wad!
  16. My cat is a pound cat!!! and i donate $$ every year
  17. yea but how much could shipping realy be? have them empty the fluids ans put it on a greyhound!
  18. Got wood again i picked up a half bed load of firewood going to split it up and save half for pres weekend. should get us through one night. but as everyone knows you can never have enough wood so pitch in!!
  19. stay with dan as a jumping off point for mexico!!!
  20. Sincity_blondie - chips & dip, also have some leftover plates and utensils Ill bring over dunefreak- Italian Sausages & buns, Hawaain Rolls, squeeze butter vegas style - big pot of homemade chili spicy maybe someone with a oven can make some cornbread???
  21. buy it and pimp it out !!!!!!! can you say wheelie
  22. 2 wheel SUV i wonder how many times they practiced this
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