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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. It's been 9 years. I don't think he is still looking. lol
  2. Tabs? What are tabs? You need a Dumont pass and an out of state OHV sticker if your ride is not registered in your state. It's all on the passes page, straight to the point. https://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/passes/
  3. Sweet! Nobody! LOL Happy Thanksgiving. Looks nothing like Halloween out there. Thats a good thing I guess other than the sand in the turkey.
  4. I'm not 100% sure of the actual "schedule" or order of things yet for Saturday, but we are planning on doing the following. cars & coffee dune trivia buggy weigh in group dunes runs group photo raffle No taco night this year because of the flu and the guidelines. This just means next year will have to be an even bigger taco festival. If you have any items you would like to donate an raffle prizes, please bring them out and get with me Saturday morning. We will have all the raffle prizes on display.
  5. It's a lazy day for us at home. We were out there last weekend though. If anyone's out there, chime in and post some pics. I heard it's windy. That's not good for cooking. 👎
  6. The kiosk at the entrance sells 7 day passes. All the pass info is on the pass page, https://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/passes/ Shoshone has never sold passes.
  7. lol I don't see it getting as bad as Halloween. Alot of people were coming in on Sunday already, but it is not crowded yet even at bathroom 9. Let's hope the holiday weekends don't become what Halloween was every holiday.
  8. You need to lead this or at least organize this if you want it to happen. The Trump parade was very confusing. Nobody knew who to look for. Everyone kept asking me, who's the leader! lol
  9. Last I heard, the east Valero in Baker has season passes. That was Halloween weekend though. They may be sold out now. The kiosk sells passes good for 7 days. You can also get one directly from BLM by mail within a day or two. A complete list of places is on the passes page. https://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/passes/ We just left Dumont yesterday and Short Bus Ice Cream was there, California Casuals, and Desert Bling.
  10. You can get to plenty of decent spots. You just need to avoid the soft areas or keep you momentum. The hardest packed area is off to the left as soon as you get up the hill from the entrance road. When you see the ranger station on your right, hang a left into the camp area.
  11. December 12-13 weekend is Buggy Roundup 8! This year will be a little different due to the flu that is going around and CDC guidelines, but we are still a go! Calling all sandcars! Come join us at Dumont Dunes for our 8th Annual Buggy Roundup. The Buggy Roundup is an annual Dumont trip when all the sandcar people are invited to come out and camp together as a group. We'll be camped together across from bathroom 10, just off the right side of the entrance road. This trip gives the buggy guys and girls of Dumont a chance to meet each other and run the dunes together for a full weekend without the crowds. So don't be a stranger. Every year we have new people join the camp and end up leaving as friends. There is no set schedule of events, but Saturday will likely go something like this... 8:00 AM -~10 AM: Sandcars and Coffee: Pull your car into the center of camp. (Or park it there the night before) Grab some coffee, say good morning to everyone, and check out all the buggies. Saturday Afternoon: The rest of the day will involve duning, maybe another buggy weigh-off, dune trivia, and more group dune runs! There will be no taco night this year due to the social distancing restrictions in place. Want in? Here's what you need to do. 1) On the event page, click GOING... 2) Bring your buggy to Dumont and join in on the fun. Don't be a stranger. Park with the group. If you don't know anyone, just ask for PETE. COVID-19 Guidelines we must follow this year Stay home if you are sick Wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizer Cover your nose & mouth when coughing or sneezing Regularly clean common touched items Wear a face mask when in high risk areas such as indoors (RVs) with members of other households or outdoors when 6 feet of distancing is not possible or within close proximity of each other. Please limit gatherings of people in close proximity within camp. Social distancing of 6 feet or more There will be no central campfire and each RV will have their own fire. Should anyone get sick during the event, they should leave Dumont Dunes so as to reduce the exposure potential to others at the event. Forum discussion thread...
  12. RSVP here ☝️ Dec 12-13 weekend is Buggy Roundup 8! This year will be a little different due to the flu that is going around and CDC guidelines, but we are still a go! Calling all sandcars! Come join us at Dumont Dunes for our 8th Annual Buggy Roundup. The Buggy Roundup is an annual Dumont trip when all the sandcar people are invited to come out and camp together as a group. We'll be camped together across from bathroom 10, just off the right side of the entrance road. This trip gives the buggy guys and girls of Dumont a chance to meet each other and run the dunes together for a full weekend without the crowds. So don't be a stranger. Every year we have new people join the camp and end up leaving as friends. There is no set schedule of events, but Saturday will likely go something like this... 8:00 AM -~10 AM: Sandcars and Coffee: Pull your car into the center of camp. (Or park it there the night before) Grab some coffee, say good morning to everyone, and check out all the buggies. Saturday Afternoon: The rest of the day will involve duning, maybe another buggy weigh-off, dune trivia, and more group dune runs! There will be no taco night this year due to the social distancing restrictions in place. Want in? Here's what you need to do. 1) On the event page, click GOING... 2) Bring your buggy to Dumont and join in on the fun. Don't be a stranger. Park with the group. If you don't know anyone, just ask for PETE. COVID-19 Guidelines we must follow this year Stay home if you are sick Wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizer Cover your nose & mouth when coughing or sneezing Regularly clean common touched items Wear a face mask when in high risk areas such as indoors (RVs) with members of other households or outdoors when 6 feet of distancing is not possible or within close proximity of each other. Please limit gatherings of people in close proximity within camp. Social distancing of 6 feet or more There will be no central campfire and each RV will have their own fire. Should anyone get sick during the event, they should leave Dumont Dunes so as to reduce the exposure potential to others at the event.
  13. I have a cheapy China pipe from 50 Caliber Racing that sounds good on mine. It's the over pipe. Not sure if it is chrome or polished. It has held up good for ~10 years so far.
  14. It's a couple clubs out of California that race, Dunemasters and Sandpipers. You'll have to look into who's in charge, probably Bill LeFever, and see how you can join. I don't know that it is a club that just anyone can join though. They are all very close friends of 50+ years.
  15. Why would they shut it down? There has been no talk of doing that unless social distancing isn't respected. But Dumont is huge and there is plenty of space to spread out. BLM has not mentioned anything to us about it getting closed.
  16. Thanksgiving is here and Dumont is open! In addition, the annual Dune Master and Sand Piper Old School Buggy Sand Drags and Hill Climbs are on for 2020. The drag races will be Friday, November 27th starting at 10am on the flats on the way to the North Pole. The hill climbs will be held on Saturday, November 28th also starting at 10am on the big hill just to the left of comp hill. Spectators are welcome. Social Distancing and other Covid safe practices are encouraged. Sorry, Participants are limited to Club members only due to BLM permit and insurance requirements.
  17. From Bill who runs the waterpumper event.. The annual Thanksgiving weekend Dune Master and Sand Piper Old School Buggy Sand Drags and Hill Climbs are on for 2020. The Drag races will be Friday, November 27th starting at 10am on the flats on the way to the North Pole. The Hill Climbs will be held on Saturday, November 28th also starting at 10am on the big hill just to the left of comp hill. Spectators are welcome. Social Distancing and other Covid safe practices are encouraged. Sorry, Participants are limited to Club members only due to our BLM permit and insurance requirements
  18. You can try Barstow BLM 760-252-6000
  19. The east Valero is only selling season passes. Nobody is selling the weekly passes this season for whatever reason.
  20. Some more pics from the weekend. We had a great time.
  21. I sent a guy your way on Thurs I think it was. Hopefully he found you. He was in a RZR with a buddy who needed something welded.
  22. Like every holiday weekend, there's good points and bad. I had a blast, but the every holiday weekend I go, the more I enjoy the off weekends. I didn't appreciate the insanely loud mariachi band music at all times of the day from every direction. The people who blasted that music that loud were really inconsiderate. I wish they'd be a little more respectful of others, especially crazy late at night and at 8AM!
  23. I haven't seen that many people out there since like 2004!
  24. Lots of people have already rolled in. Halloween weekend is looking busy already. Lots of buzz in the dunes. 🤟🏻
  25. You'll have to ask the BLM about that. I, personally, wouldn't show up to vend if I did not have a permit to do so.
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