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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. Thanks for sharing! It gets ridiculously hot out there. The sand holds and radiates so much heat from the sun. It's like being on another planet. Glad you guys didn't have any issues. Sucks about the north pole. We'll get it put back up if no one else does.
  2. I don't. This was just a pic that a friend sent.
  3. Not many people head out there during the summertime, although it would be the best time to capture the dunes. Good luck!
  4. Welcome Steve. Yes, Dumont is HOT in the summertime. Plan on waiting until October or November. What other info are you looking for?
  5. Got the flag in the mail yesterday, Bruce. It looks awesome. I'll test it out in October. Thank you!
  6. Summer is upon us. I always love hearing and seeing what everyone is up to during the warmer months. Just a couple weeks ago we camped with some friends up near the North Rim. The scenery and weather was awesome.
  7. 🤣 That would work. I bet people would rock em.
  8. WTF? Sacred water? And he was serious...and they believed him? A BLM ranger did this?
  9. Welcome to the site. Have fun and be careful out there!
  10. Another great weekend outdoors and maintaining 6 feet apart! lol
  11. Check with Kelly's RV. They sell out quickly, but they bring it out and set it up for you. Great people.
  12. Looks like towards camp. It's that little valley behind comp. I call it the half pipe area.
  13. According to some fellow duners, a sandrail with two male occupants (two brothers) was going up Comp Hill around midnight over the weekend of May 2-3. The driver must have misjudged the top and drove off the top. The sandrail crashed on the back side and landed upside down. One of the occupants suffered two broken legs. The younger brother pulled the older one out and they laid there until the next morning when help finally arrived. The male with broken legs underwent surgery and it expected to recover and walk again.
  14. Soooo what is everyone else been up to during these times?
  15. People think the virus doesn't apply to them. It's ridiculous. Many could have it and don't even know it, hence the reason for distancing in the first place. Keep us posted on your trip. 🤟🏻
  16. Just curious how everyone is doing? What are you up to? I'm "essential" so I'm still working but we have shorter hours. It's kind of nice though since I get out early every day. More time to ride and enjoy this great weather. It's also allowed us to finish some house projects. I also finally upgraded some stuff on my buggy too. Here's some pics of what I have been up to. Buggy repairs at my buddy's shop Solo dual sport rides We took the Sprinter van through Titus Canyon in Death Valley Camped out at Trona Pinnacles Camped and rode Mojave Preserve with my woman
  17. Awesome. It was a great season for us as well. I'll have to post some faves as well.
  18. Holy crap! I know someone shared the pics/ story with us on IG. I'll see if I can figure out who that was and ask them.
  19. Awesome. NV or UT? You'll love it. Dumont is the best. Nice and flowy. Make sure you ride over to Little Dumontv too. It's small but worth the drive. Lots of fun!!
  20. There wasn't much crowd but there was a decent amount of people (for Easter) it seemed. Fees are still in place. No BLM from what I heard all weekend. No closures predicted any time soon. Here's a couple pics from Easter weekend from my buddies.
  21. I was gonna recommended a place but it's here in Vegas. Can't think of the name at the moment but I can try to find it.
  22. We decided not to go this weekend. Everyone stay safe and distanced from each other out there. Hopefully this will all be over soon.
  23. I wanted to share some better news than we've been hearing lately and that is this couple eloped at Dumont last weekend! Congratulations Cody & Hayley Gibson. Looks like they did it up right out there. Thank you for sharing with us, Hayley. Photography by Wandering West Photo.
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