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Everything posted by sandqueen

  1. How wonderful it is to be back in the dunes.... watching my hubby realize he took a butt load of pictures without any film in the camera watching the reaction of the 3 friends that went with us at Comp Hill on Saturday night seeing the baby in the monkey costume laugh and laugh and laugh when his dad put him up close to my bulldog seeing everything decorated for Halloween just having fun and laughing the whole weekend showing one of our friends that I can 4-wheel drive just like the guys do....sometimes even better j/k To sum it up just seeing the whole duning community as one big family............
  2. The new spot was pretty cool. Seemed a little more organized. Not having 20 different vehicles going in every direction was pretty neat. The old spot was good but you never knew who was pulling in or out and who was trying to just drive by. Had way too many close calls. The new area has plenty of room to park on either side of the road and have traffic still go east and west (or whatever!). Wasn't as kaotic. But the foot traffic only sounds good too. I could handle the bbq sandwich at Hog's without the dust in every bite. hehehe! Although I do agree about the old spot being a landmark for finding camp, every ride we went on no matter who was leading we all missed our camp. DUH!!
  3. We will be there from Monday to Monday. Forget the traffic. Deep fried turkey yum, left over turkey sandwiches yum yum! 10 days and counting......
  4. We were at Comp Hill in my truck and on quads from 8:00 till about 11pm. We go to watch you guys go up and down Comp Hill and listen to the engines roar on the rails (sounds so bitchin). We could care less about the drunken idiots running around. We spend several hundreds of dollars to go for the riding, to see others rides and to escape the insanity of our day to day lifes. We don't go to get drunk, act like idiots, leave trash everywhere, put others in harms way, we go to enjoy the family atmosphere. Just an example, when we were leaving comp this pack of rhinos came flying up to park right past where I was trying drive away from, THE SAME GUY (looked like his was in his 50's or so) was doing donuts and almost ran into my truck 3 times. I had no where to go to get out of his way. Yes, I lost my cool and called him a few choice names, but come on, aren't the elder's supposed to set a good example for the youngster's??? Not just that, my truck is my pride and joy. I realize there is a risk anywhere I take it but have some respect for those around you. Maybe someone knows who this nut is. He was driving a lifted, white, dodge 4-door truck, I think he had a spare tire in the bed, anyways we took a trip back to camp about 8:30pm on sat nite from comp hill and this guy was FLYING from the front entrance to comp all the way to comp and back to the entrance again. He had 3 other guys in the truck with him and they were all laughing and stuff and of course the one time we could have used a ranger I couldn't see one around anywhere. He was going so fast I think his tires were barely touching the tops of the bumps. There was no way we could even see the license plate #. Way too many people around and going way to fast for me to try to catch up with him.
  5. I think the vendors out there are great! Paying a few extra bucks, big deal. At least it saved you a few hours of travel time, finding the right store, then praying that they have the part in stock. Plus, you still have to drive back to the dunes, repair it and hope you got the right part or don't need something else. My husband forgot his helmet of all things. (Duh!!) In his defense though he was extremely side tracked with helping me get things together since I just got out of the hospital. Anyways, the vendor (sorry don't know the name) actually charged him a very reasonable price for a really nice helmet. I was prepared for the worst but obiviously it was needed so any price probably would have worked. Like someone above mentioned, are you really going to sit in camp for the rest of the weekend just to save a few bucks??? Gas and Propane available in the dunes? I highly doubt it. I really don't think anyone would want the responsiblity. Pooper dumper and water refill? That would be better than ???? Well, it would be great!! RV Repair? great idea, would totally use their services.... What would everyone do if there were no vendors? What would they do if all the vendors didn't show up during one of the big weekends? Maybe just maybe then they would realize how much the vendors are needed and that those few extra dollars really are no big deal. The vendors are there for our needs, maybe instead of bitchin about them we should thank them. Even if you don't buy something, maybe stop by and say thanks for being here. Sorry for the novel, just tired of buttheads complaining about stupid pooh! Oh well, just my 2 cents.
  6. The hubby will be there for sure. Not sure if I will make it out to the meet & greet or not. Will have to find a long semi flat road all the way around to get to it. J/K I know the only long flat semi bumpy road is the road in to Dumont. I just had surgery (yuckie girl stuff) and I have been banned from quads and buggies and hard bouncing until Thanksgiving. Sometimes it really sucks being a girl. Can't wait to see everyone though...
  7. Hello DDR!! Been awhile since I have been on the web. Are we going to have a Halloween Potluck this year? Had a great time at last years, met lots of great peeps. I will bring my chili cheese sauce for the burgers and the nachos if we are. P.S. If this topic is posted somewhere else just ignore it and point me in the right direction. Still alittle out of it, just got home from the hospital. Nothing serious.
  8. Yeah! I'll take a case please! Dealing with college kids all day, maybe two cases please!!
  9. Happy 2nd Birthday DDR!!! Thank you to Pete and everyone else that has helped make DDR such a success. It is really cool that you guys and girls take time out of your busy lives to make the "Dune People" a family. Everyone we have met has been so nice and welcoming. Even though Pete watched us drive in circles for a while before flagging us down to let us know we were at the right camp. lol j/k But seriously, Thank You to everyone at DDR for making it such a great family. We can't wait till October to see everyone again and to meet many many more people. Let's see if we can make next years cleanup even bigger then this years. I had a blast. Even when my hubby got his big truck stuck and I had to be pulled away from registration so I could use my little truck to pull him out. hehehe :freakin_nuts: Cheers DDR!!
  10. Oh that is just soooo wrong! Talk about nightmares. Yikes!
  11. That is just so wrong on so many levels. I would have to check into it but I think dumping hazardous waste might be a felony. I know just seeing dog poop in the dunes pisses me off. I would blow a gasket if I stepped or rolled through human poop. I have seen lots of people dumping their fresh water leaving campsites, but I have never seen gray or black being dumped. I would definitely confront them. I look forward to my weekends in the desert. I would be lost if we couldn't go there anymore. Find 'em and kill 'em
  12. Hope you're feeling better soon. At least it happened towards the end of Dumont season and not at the beginning.
  13. Clowns and spiders. Crashing in the dunes.
  14. OMG! WTF! please tell me that is two creatures stuck together. Yuck!
  15. That is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen. If I saw that in my camp all of Dumont would have heard me scream. I DO NOT do spiders or whatever that is. Yuck!
  16. We go to Pismo for a week in July, hang out in Laughlin and Blythe with the family. Do short trips to Gorman or Johnson Valley. We camp (no quads) at Lake hemet and Puddingstone. Just something relaxing to get away from it all. And count the days until October so we can go back to Dumont.
  17. 4 hours and counting till we leave......eta midnight....not soon enough though
  18. We just finished loading up, all we have to do is get ice. Hopefully work will go by quick tomorrow. We should be there around midnight. Not sure where we are camping yet. We'll have the strobs on on my truck so if anyone wants to join our camp you are more than welcome. :mc_smiley:
  19. Just a suggestion, there are a couple different suggestions going on in this post and in the "How it works" post. Can we combine them so no one gets confused. I am willing to count bags, label bags, pass out raffle tickets, sign ups, etc. My feet don't work as good as they used to so the less walking I have to do the better. But use me wherever. If anybody wants to start any other organizing call me. pm me and I'll give you my number.
  20. Is there going to be anything going on on Friday that we can do to be of any help? Maybe early sign ups to speed things up on Saturday morning? Since this is my first time I have a question. Is it really hard to put a sticker on the bag with a name and hand the person a raffle ticket? Maybe a better idea would be to write a name and phone number on the back of the raffle ticket that we keep for the "kitty" maybe that would help with the honesty issue???? Like I have said, I am very willing to be at a collection site collecting bags, handing out tickets, etc. I am an extremely organized person when it comes to things like this. I manage an apartment complex full of college kids, so I have to be. Just an additional note, I have 4 boxes of latex gloves, a few notebooks, stickers and some pens to donate. I don't ride much so all I usually do is hang around camp so I am at your disposal for what ever you need. Can't wait. I wish I had more vacation time so we could leave earlier than Thursday night.
  21. Brian & I and some of our friends will be there.
  22. That sounds good to me. I would be more than happy to work at the table.
  23. I know I posted something awhile ago about this but I thought I would ask again since the number of members has tripled. Does anyone know of anyone that will come to Dumont and fill your water and empty your black and gray tanks? If so, do you have a name or phone number? I am really surprised I have never seen someone out there. There is one company (YoBananaBoy) in Pismo and there are all over the place and have reasonable prices. Is there someone in Glamis?
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