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Kens Colors

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Everything posted by Kens Colors

  1. All this dumping talk got me thinking? Man it hurts (to think) the last time I left dumont I had to flag a guy down that was rolling down access road with his waste hose dragging along the ground. what the fk was his waste hose doing out to begin with. He was dumping something somewhere that day. Someone even told me on my 1st trip out there when i asked where the best place to dump tanks "just dig a hole in the sand and dump it right there" Duh I didn't listen. I have been dumping at the tecopa hot springs campground 5 bucks. So the question is should we,do we become poop cops Is it our doody duty? I am to much of a woosy to beat anyone up but, that might be the quickest way to teach some one a lesson? What should we do other than b*tch?
  2. I enjoy Deadwood more can't wait for it to start up again.
  3. I wonder if Tony will lose any weight while hes in the coma? -_-
  4. You have to have huge balls or a little tiny brain to dump your Waste tank in plain site in front other people. I am going out a a limb here and agreeing with Nicks take on this. Standing on the road dumping with people driveing by. I am thinking it was fresh water draining. but hey I am a little brain too!!
  5. I don't know how people can stand to work indoors!!! I work outside all day every day here (vegas) well maybe not all day. I like it hot!! Besides when its 110 my bones dont ache.
  6. OK so I yesterday to quad dealer, 1 part left should be in today 3-23, so if I am lucky I will be this weekend!! Anybody going anywhere? I don't care where, either Logandale trails or Amrgossa. I can not sit home for another weekend. I want to leave town Fri afternoon or evening. I do have room in my camper if anyone needs a place to crash. This of course is all dependant on my quad getting done today or tomorrow. Hopefully Some of you guys will be up for this weekend! Talk to you later
  7. What's in Primm this weekend Nick? Racing? Offroad?
  8. I would go with knobbies but i do see some peple with paddles I guess it just depends on wheather you want to stay in the sand or not.
  9. Well my quad broke at Dumont pres day weekend Been doing a lot of this :argue: since with quad dealer. Finally parts have been ordered . Should be done this week keep my fingers crossed. :headbang: :headbang: Gotta ride!!! So once again I am heading to logandale trails!!! Anybody want to go ? Doing the Fri-Sat night thing heading out 3-25. If you have never been there it is about 60 miles north of Vegas.
  10. We have ridden it several times. My daughter loves riding that trail.
  11. I don't know about following. but can You ride it???
  12. yea that may be my best bet yet I will call you tomorrow or the next day if none of my other options pan out thanks rhino :huh:
  13. I rented an RV space from one of my neighbors. After going out camping and riding a few times they bought a toy hauler that now fills the space. I am checking places in my neighborhood but i guess henderson :headbang: would work too since I work out there everyday!!
  14. Hey those are great ideas but I am still parking on the street :angry: and thats is not good HELP!!!! :headbang:
  15. Just so you guys know...... I graduated...are you ready for this class of 79
  16. I am looking for a new spot in the NW part of town. I live near Ann and 95! Any info or leads would be great!
  17. by the way I took that picture after she got up. Once she was Ok I asked her if she wanted to recreate the moment. So she was being a poser in that pic!!!!!!!! Shame on you that thought I took a Picture instead of helping my KC!!! I mean MiniCornDogMama!
  18. She was OK dusted herself off and headed up the trail instead of back to camp
  19. I hope the is nothing wrong with having a big gay :shocked2: Cause i drive one too . But I am sure there will be a big stinky what do you call those things........... oh ford.......right next to me. By the way there is a ford camp right next to us flying a ford country blimp it is also gay...not that there is anything wrong with that. :chev_bowtie: time for coffee and heading to work see you at dumont :rainbow1:
  20. I will be camping near the big Happy Balloon
  21. Travis the landing went fine Bert thanks for taking the mystery out of my action photo
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