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Richard Cheese

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Everything posted by Richard Cheese

  1. you guys know anyone that makes good fake NV id's ?
  2. nice work Trav... i bet if I said i like TV's in and on my vehicle, i'd know which one you would post up
  3. im lookin to get my H2 rims powder coated flat black..... your ride looks sweet like that...im jealous[
  4. im sure this thread is partially my fault I used to be so against texting...now.....it seems im pissing people off with it anyway...ill stop texting you Pete
  5. http://opinion.latimes.com/opinionla/2010/...employment.html scroll down and vote.. AB32 is what brought the BS that co2 is a global warming inhibitor.. anyway....vote away!!!
  6. :ahhhhh: obviously you don't know my father in law....he'd kick your for even joking around about the safety of his only grandchildren like that i think its funny though
  7. thanks for the link Jason. do you have any personal experience with these radios?
  8. um... that pic was taken at like 9 in th AM :ahhhhh: where's the pics of ry-dizzle, Dizzle?
  9. get some good shots of him this weekend
  10. we need to get out Jake's together at the D some day jake and chadwizzle in the hauler
  11. thought I'd post a pic of my girl rockin the DDR skull cap...looks like a clown hat on her lol post up pics of your lil duners!! :surrender:
  12. looks pretty cool...although all of those features built into the goggles would concern me about distractions while riding. currently, helmets are mostly built to use goggles on the outside...those look like against the head goggles i could be wrong
  13. my inlaws are wanting to get handheld comm radios in case of an emergency, like earthquake, flood, sh*t like that we live like 4 miles apart, but through neighborhoods, not flat land. any recommendations on handhelds that would reach that far? thanks in advance
  14. looks more like a used rail/quad/sxs/parts thing...... if i wasnt booked already that weekend, id roll down and check it out
  15. i wonder that if they all died doing that crap, if they would air the episode? maybe i would post it up on Cheese TV
  16. thanks for doing that Jack....i got so pissed off, that I forgot to highlight that word EFFERS this is the very EXACT way that Oceano dunes lost over 13,000 acres of riding area...The CBD suing the State, (by the way..guess who gets to pay the bill...CA taxpayers) for a listing of a species that exists within or NEAR the riding area Remember, the fringed toed lizard lives in the shrubs in the OUT OF BOUNDS areas around Dumont...Stay in the riding area, and their shouldnt be a problem
  17. i can't say it doesnt surprise me though. These hippies-run-amok have the agenda to shut down our riding area...and it is very evident between the lines of this article http://www.commondreams.org/newswire/2010/02/17-8
  18. what's the guy on the left l( o )( o )kin at? :ahhhhh:
  19. common sense would say yes but common sense isnt too prevelent in CA
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