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Everything posted by ~JILL~

  1. I just got a news alert from one of the T.V. stations. It has now hit in Reno, Nevada. The case has been confirmed but the patient seems to be recovering well.
  2. Na I like hearing about the good deads not the stupidity. I even did my good dead for the day. I pissed off the boss He doesn't like to go toe ta toe with me cause he knows he'll loose. Guess if I was dumber than my employees I'd make six figures too.
  3. I can actually picture that. 3 teenage girls all with PMS and or boy crazy all under one roof? I might have given the pound the wrong number. Not really but sure would have thought about it.
  4. From reading what you have written your a very proud parent as you should be. If only others would take the time and effort to teach, guide and learn with their children and respect them( yes respect) as you or I as well as many others have done. It would seriously change alot of things. We as parents have to make decisions at some time or another through our kid's lives, more often than not. Some right some might be wrong. These are just things that are a part of life as a parent. We all know they don't come with a manual. If there was, half the pages would be missing by now anyway.This is a little off but ----- Congratulations to the many parents that HAVE done even some of these things and for actually raising some good people or good people in the making?
  5. Ya we are all perfect. My choice was to do the same Jodi, I protected mine. She didn't understand at the time but she sure does now. She has 2 boys of her own. It's your choice no one elses. I parent mine the way I choose as do you. If your kid does all the right things and makes good choices or decisions I guess you've done a good job. Myself I'm pround of mine, she not only has her 2 but has taken on 3 that are not hers, why? Because of the Parents that didn't protect their kids and my daughter is now the one making a difference and protecting them. Your entire life has to do with Choices and I can only hope that we make the right ones no matter who you are or what you do.
  6. Cole thats ssssooooooooooo sad, It just looks really lonely out there on the dry lake bed all by it's self. Like a lost puppy or something
  7. The real truth is: They have shut down Coral Pink or should say all access to Coral Pink because they don't want any of you younger guys to take any of the excess wifes that got left behind by Warren Jeffs. They want to save all the 18 year olds with five kids for the 70-80 years olds that are getting ready to hit their prime.
  8. That really was some good times. I enjoyed the History lessons it's not very often that people remember some of the same things I do. Thats if I can remember what the hell we where talking about. I'm so old that it all depends on the day as to what I remember. I also learned some new stuff, thanks all. Mike and Ian nice meeting you. Charlie's body parts were hanging out on his arm again and his selective turrets kicked in as normal. Other than that good food, good people and great time. I forgot, Cody's facination with the Monkie's boyfriend as well as his other interests. That was funny. Thanks Again all. P.S. Jodi I liked a little Kracker too.
  9. I wondered what happened to you. Thought you found other more interesting things to do. Welcome back.
  10. Nice meeting you Ian. Had a great time too! I stayed up till I got home 9:30 pm!!!! When I did get to sleep I had these horrible dreams about corn? Oh well I'll figured it out.
  11. Better than I could do, my legs would have gotten tied in a knot and I'd end up on my head!
  12. Charlie said the northeast corner is the only part that is closed. He said that it's full of babythrusters. So be careful.
  13. Need to start mapping out next year. After 10 years here I'll get 20 days paid vacation & 9 holidays instead of 15 & 9.
  14. Can't make it this Memorial Day cause I'll be at St Anthony's for 2 weeks and possibly a few days at KILLPECKER in Wyoming. But we'll be at Coral for 4 days in July for the 4th and 5 days in Sept. for Labor day. neener neener neeeeeeeeeeeeeeener !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. This means I'm a wet Krauted Viking ol biatch and Helga is my real name.
  16. How old were you Jodi? This is what I was doing in 1956. TRUE TRAILER TRASH !!!
  17. I can see where this is going.
  18. Kit kat & Blue Steel, nice meeting you. Your head doesn't look wrinkled. Skyz, Charlie has some tire plugs and a can of fix a flat if you need it. Don good seeing you again, it's been awhile. Jon & Becky it was nice meeting you too. You have a sweety in that blonde curls and Blue eyes. Sanddawg, nice meeting another one that is in the old category with me.
  19. I gotta like it, I married it! Not those stupid plaid shoes though.
  20. Great weekend! Sand storm Friday night was one of the worst, but turned out to be a really nice weekend. Had a good Easter feast on Saturday. Charlie got the crotch rocket out, ran great. Oh how I like to run that thing!! Lost a fuel pump, but the ol man has a little of everything in the hauler so he was back on it. Scott, John and Carrie it was really nice seeing you again kind of miss all those antics! Mike thanks for saving me !!!! Jodi I could have done with out that picutre! Brice and Mary nice seeing you again also, Who ever your relatives where behind us from Missouri, it was nice meeting them, although Charlie talked to them more than I did seemed like good people. Thats a long A$$ drive though.
  21. Not me I got myself A ranger With a on it. Ha ha i'm not trendy
  22. UMMMMMMMMMMM Glazed Spiral ham, scalloped taters, maybe tater salad and maybe deviled eggs? We'll see ---------- never know what else might come up 7 hours till lift off. Good food, good weather( doesn't matter what kind) good people, great dunes and good sleep. person can't ask for too much more than that, other than wish it was a long weekend.
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