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Everything posted by ~JILL~

  1. yep, we'll be there somtime tonight, I'm bringing my crutches too just in case. Don't have time to give it bath before we go, so dirty or not it's going. I asked Charlie if the bigger bike made my A$$ look smaller, he just said um ya I think thats what I said!?
  2. Think I might get in trouble with this one.
  3. When driving by the bulletin board at the entrance there are some hooks there that people have hung keys on that have been found. Last time we looked there was 4 sets hanging there. Sorry Craig, no Coral Pink keys there. How'd you do that? No drinky poohs that weekend so you have no excuse for losing them!
  4. Christmas Eve with the family. Then Thurs. Fri. Sat. & Sun @ Dumont of course. New Years, Wed night - Sun.
  5. Will he be the new Nv State Prison quarterback or a receiver? " REMAKE OF THE LONGEST YARD" starring O.J. Simpson
  6. we have a nitrogen tank in the back of our ranger .
  7. Just buying for the kids this year again. It's more fun. Besides that Charlie got a piece of A$$ and and shirt last year and told me they where both to big. He's not getting anything this year J/K dear. Just the kids and grandkids.
  8. Yep! a full on drop trow violation of my Forgot to ask corey if it was still moist. (from the rain) Charlie wanted me to blow that damn horn right then but I couldn't- I was laughing to hard!!
  9. Great week, good food, and of course Great people and fun times. Sure was nice leaving a day after everyone else. Got home yesterday about 5.
  10. Hey Charity, I like the change in your signature. Good job
  11. yep, fri,sat,sun,mon,tues,wed,thurs,fri,sat,sun and mon.
  12. Nope, 2days (I got one of those calendars!) Nope again, farm equipment can't keep up with your butt!!!
  13. 2PM SATURDAY NOV.29, FOR VISITATION! Of course I'll be there the 22nd too We'll be there.
  14. New plan, don't have to leave till Dec 1, 10 days!!!!!!!!!
  15. OOps! When Obama beat Hilary Clinton for the Demo nomination, it was the first time in history a black man didn't go to jail for beating a white woman
  16. See if I get in trouble for this one, still funny. Whats the difference between Sara Palin and Michelle Obama? Playboy and Nation Geographic
  17. From what I understand, is that your rates are not only figured by your driving record but your Zip code and your credit rating. Ever look at your credit report? Some times you'll see where your insurance company has checked your credit report, I called mine when I saw it on there. Thats what they told me. From what someone else told me when they moved from my area to the Henderson ( SW end ) theirs dropped. Get a P.O. box in Pahrump I hear out there some trucks don't need emmissions? Insurance cheaper? I
  19. Hey wait a minute, I don't sqwak, I made him look at it cause if anything didn't go right then it would be his fault. I call it being smart. Then I would sqwak, ha ha you did it not me.
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