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Everything posted by ~JILL~

  1. Pete, since you only generate $3.84 a day in ad revenue, I want to know who the Hell is your accountant? I want the creative accounting properties they have acquired! Corporate jet, limo's and all the other amentities you have acquired!!!!! Come on cough up the info!!
  2. BOHICA! B - bend O- over, H- here I - it C- comes A- again
  3. Have kilt, will travel ??? Wish you the best and be careful !!
  4. We're probably in, I just won't unpack the trailer from the 5 day trip prior to that.
  5. I finally got to meet MR. Cheese! Anna is getting her own wet suit & regulator no more sharing with the smelly ones. I really don't have jewelry on the saggy parts yet especialy not a chandelier.
  6. But it's California and Arizona, something is better than nothing?
  7. Yep, be there for the entire week.
  8. One other thing I forgot, Pete and this sight are just suppliers for the addicting personalities that feed on the dune community. ( a good addiction) DDR IS AN ENABLER Back in the old days we called it some good S**T!!
  9. I have found this WEBSITE to be very ENTERTAINING at times, EDUCATIONAL other times, MET alot of great people that don't mind (I don't think) if we drop by their camps for some of the infamous campfire antics and conversations. Even if we are the old f@rts. I guess I'll call it a GROUP of good people. On a WEBSITE, With alot of INFORMATION, that creats their own ENTERTAINMENT? That and every thing that has already been said.
  10. What is DDR? What do you consider it to be? A: group, gang, club, gathering place, just a forum, just a web site? Next question, what does it mean to you? Is it just for Info, make new friends, stay in touch with old friends or entertainment? Possibly all the above? Just curious to see what everyone says.
  11. You could me right. I hadn't thought of that.
  12. Must be nice Stevie!!!!!!!!!!1
  13. Charlie and I do it a little diff, we take the Ranger out (with dead cat on the front) and stop at alot of the camps around Dumont. WE STOP AND GIVE the candy out to the kids and dog treats to the dogs. It's fun and we get alot of strange looks. It's all good. As long as it is OK with the parents.
  14. Here is the crew from Nevada. My hats off to the Nevada Task force one and all the others that have helped out in the Huricanes. My sister is one of them and sent me an e-mail Friday.Just outside of Houston they started evacuating people from hospitals, convalescent homes and people with medical proplems. 430 patients transported on milatary planes. The crew (200 of them) was housed in a warehouse since the hurricane was comming right for them. Just waiting to hear back. Prayers to all of them and all they are helping!!
  15. The people in the photo look like the group that was parked right there on the left as you pulled into the meadow. I think they were from Flagstaff or Phoenix. The SOBE bomb group.
  16. 13 hours? Plenty of time to work on the summers end "As The Sand Blows"??
  17. Good job there Mr. Cheese. DITTO!!!!!!!!
  18. FINE FORM AS ALWAYS! If it's not dirt, it's mud. You two are always great entertainment. I love it!
  19. We'll be there Oct.29-Nov2, (5days)
  20. Sure tell he is from the North country! Thats what they do in Northern Minnesota too! Go the shortest route to the farthest bar and then take the longest way back, stopping at ALL THE BARS in between on your snow machine. Poker runs are alot of fun.
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