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Everything posted by ~JILL~

  1. Bob has a face beaver and "BOB'S BUTT BEAVER" ?
  2. ~JILL~


    What is it that a Special Inspector inspects for Local 12?
  3. When I first looked at WW I saw one in the lot that had done that. It looked to me like they are more like panels set into a frame. When the frame expanded the panel slips a little. They put them together then stain them, when they slip, the unstained part was showing. Thats part of the reason we ordered the distressed cabinets, no inserts , all one piece?
  4. DDR made out good on that deal, no training needed because of the natural ability, does the job well and no whinning about pay. j/k Craig
  5. The best job I ever had was being a MOM. I only had one daughter and to see her with her two boys sure makes me feel like I really did something good. She turned out to be not only a great mom but a good person. I have accomplished at least one of my goals in life. Didn't make much money though.
  6. Just out of high school I worked at Montegomery Wards for $1.80 hr (min wage at the time) as a sales clerk in housewares dept. cleaning gleass shelves. Lasted 2 weeks. Then went to work at a flower shop(sucked also) had a few odd jobs after that and now been in the construction buisness for about 28 years, run loaders, water trucks and selling rock and sand. Dirty but pretty good pay for what I do now.
  7. Try "DOGPILE" is pretty cool having all the search engines in one spot.
  8. It has been almost a year now since we first met some of you (last Memorial weekend) what a first impression that was! Don, Crasher, Wingnut, Dune Smurf, fmf lover, Pauly, Sincity Blondie, all the misfits from Coral last year!!!! Cdavego doesn't count cause I knew him from work I was glad to meet all the others too through out this season. Charlie and I aren't that social but when ever we need a little entertainment or a really good laugh (or alot)we go vist the DDR's multiple camps. Seriously we have meet some really great people that makes a good dune season better. I don't know if we are just getting old or you people are just flippin nuts! Wouldn't trade campfire antics for a comedy club ticket, thats how good you people are. The scary part is that Wingnut is just as sick of an individual as my husband is. And Crasher, she totaly gets Charlie's sick sense of humor. Most people don't. SO GLAD I GOT TO MEET ALL OF YOU,THANKS FOR THE GOOD TIMES!
  9. Count down to Coral Pink- 5 weeks? Be there early a.m. Wed.5/21 for 6 days!
  10. Geez! I thought I'd see some drunks or fire jumping pictures or even maybe the strap-on oops, tape-on blow-up sheep. CONGRATS ONCE AGAIN TO PAULY AND ANGELA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. There was a guy here in Vegas a number of years ago that got caught at the Las Vegas Zoo, over on Rancho. Late at night some neighbors heard a comotion over the fence when the looked over the fence they imediately called the cops. When the cops got there they caught a 28 yr old man going at it with one of the GOATS! The news article stated the guys name & age. The article also stated the goats name, LUCY and that she was physically fine but emotionally devistated!! Sure wish I's kept the aritcle. True story
  12. You GUYS have fun. Be safe and a little congrats to
  13. Guess it's a good thing I got the Ranger, bench seat with 3 seat belts.
  14. Over this last weekend they had a film crew out there with a helicopter buzzing around with some guy hanging out the side looked like he was filming something. Then over in front of the big dune there was a big Red Bull canopy set up in the middle of a camp, they even had what looked like a massage table set up under it. Set off to the North of their camp they had some reflectors set up around a guy as they were filming him. The helicopter was parked over by their camp too, it had it's little windshield cover strapped on like it was tucked in for the night. Next there were a few Army, Air Force vehicles parked around the camp hosts RV, looked like older model vehicles. Friday we saw some semi's w/ flat beds loaded with vehicles and again Saturday night 2 more semis with some type of equipment, including man lifts. Just curious as to whats up. Anybody know?
  15. Terry, I e-mailed him this morning , he has responded and will put it in the mail today. Thanks
  16. yep!!! We are in for either 6 or 10 days? Have not decided yet. Last year was a pretty good crowd, ALOT of " DDR MISFITS" which was extremely entertaining! What a first impression that was! Couldn't have asked for a better one. :shocked2:
  17. It was pimp shack Pete, Now it's "Flowerfreak Pete?" J/K Pete. Those are nice pictures!
  18. On the outside of the tube there should be letters written in marker. Ours was "RWB" red, white & blue
  19. Ok, this was our 5th year doing this and it seems to get better each year. The people are great the entertainment is great and a feeling of accomplishment when your done. Job well done FoDD & DDR!!!!!!!!!! The look on Pauly's face when he opened his B-day gift from Charlie was entertaining too!
  20. I don't know, I really like my mechanic. I mean rrreeeaaallllllly like him!
  21. The truth is- Jack didn't fall down the hill! The b*tch pushed him! oops, sorry Jack
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