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Everything posted by Jakster884

  1. That was sum funny Chit.. Unn Unnnn
  2. I heard the big wigs knew about the photo shoot but was told not to tell the General Public. Just shows how much people give a Shiat about others these days. Knowing they would :poop: their pants. when they flew by. :ah:
  3. Looking good, Have you fired it up yet, How does it ride. As good as it looks.. :atc:
  4. Well At least you are ok and the douchebag will get just about what he deserves. You didnt get to get in your punches. These people are on the roads everyday. Most just dont get caught...
  5. My Bro In Law has the same truck with 6" Lift 35" tires. Pretty much looks the same. But hell a picture is worth a thousand words.
  6. Guess you might not never really know who your neighbors are..
  7. You forgot one. Found On Road Dead. Oh wait I love my ford.
  8. Joe Rogan is playing down here in So cal in Old town Pasadena at the Ice house. Will i t be worth it to go see him??? Got ticks....Was there last week and was not that damn funny...
  9. Looks like a 6" lift with 35" tires. JMO
  10. I now have a 5 month old German Sheppard. I picked him up when he was 8 Weeks olds. I think he needed to stay with parent until at least 12 weeks. Potty training was fun but after about 4 weeks he understood where to go and considering he has his own back yard it makes it much easier to do. Inside is a benefit and not a given. Still learing the dog training basics but he if full of energy and 50lbs. I was told neutering is best to settle him down a little. I hope so...
  11. How about I love beer period. My favorite is negro modelo ( Micheladas) Tasty. I have now been drinking SkyZ Vodka & Cranberry. Less filling and Less Carbs. Better BUZZZZ... I also like Corona but I can drink like water. Coors Light, Bud Ice, Heifenwiser, Fosters. Hell like I said beer period
  12. Never seen one but looks like they will kick some Arse
  13. Those are the people with no life and nothing better to do...........FYR...
  14. That's what makes this site Kick Arse. Meet peeps and go on killer runs. If you can keep up
  15. getting completely airborne.....came down hard, broke the handle bars with his face/helmet, bars went into his goggles, broke his nose, cut his cheek pretty deep, and broke his wrist!!! Damn, Damn, Damn................... :ah: Those trips happen too quite of few peeps. Dumont is fun but Dangerous. Drop offs everywhere. Hope your buddy is doing well and he is in one piece.
  16. May peace be with the family. Seems like a dangerous place to ride after reading the news bulletin.
  17. I have a Cali plate and it says DUNEFIX. Go to the DMV web site and you can type in all different ideas and it will let you know if it has been taken. Most likely yes. So you will have to get very creative. at least you can use a few different symbols. Good Luck. Use this link.https://vrir.dmv.ca.gov/ipp2/welcome.do
  18. Thats some crazy Chit. At least she didnt latch on the lower part Dat Biatch would be dead :beer_bang:
  19. Happy B Day.And yes your wife Kicks Azz. Congrats on another great year. :beer_bang:
  20. Trip looked like fun as usual. Congrats to Sand700R for the win. :beer_bang: Hope to ride with Yall soon....
  21. :Looked like a great day of Race n and Riding. Pics are looking better each trip.....
  22. This is what I think of OSAMA/OBAMA in every situation. :peek:
  23. I usually take about an hour to do one car but really is only a 15 minute process. :kitty:
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