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Everything posted by Don29palms

  1. I believe you were thinkimg about tuned port injection versus throttle body. I would stay away from a heavy cast iron block motor anyway. If I had to choose between the 2.2 Subi or 4.3 Chevy I would keep the Subi. TURBO=MORE POWER! If you really want a V6 Honda is the way to go.
  2. Throttle Body Injection is Electronic Fuel Injection.
  3. Good thing I didn"t show up with my CR500 70.
  4. Isn't that who did the Batman car?
  5. What's sad is that the old seat covers were originally an upgrade that costs more. Ugly but true. The new seats do look so much better.
  6. I don't think there is anything to talk about. I think the only car I've ever seen with a Ford motor was the Batman car. Ford motors are not available at a reasonable expense. Also it's easier and less expensive to get better performance from more common motors. Not to mention C.A.R.B. now. I am suprised more car builders haven't moved to Arizona or Nevada.
  7. Are they going to lower the hoop 3 feet? White men can't jump!
  8. Are you going to have a milk crate for the announcer to stand on so people can see him too?
  9. They failed to mention it's a 70 Regatta. Youl'll have people showing up to watch a bunch of crazy adults racing 70s. Very cool!
  10. That is how those people live everyday life. I imagine and would like to believe there are some people there with what we consider to be good values. It's sad to say but the lucky ones in that enviroment are already taken care of. They don't need food or water. Caged animals in a zoo have better living conditions than most of the people in Haiti. Only the strong survive in an anarchy.
  11. Anytime there is a charity there are adminstrative costs to manage said charity. If you look at any charity's books you will find that a very small percentage of the money actually gets to the people it is suppose to benefit. This whole situation just makes me frustrated and mad. We have so many problems right here in our own country that the government has no clue how to solve so they think that the solution is to charge the american working class more money (higher taxes). The war in Iraq has and continues to cost billions of dollars. That region of the world has been at war since time began. This government is getting our people killed for no reason at all. We are imposing our way of government on someone else when they can't make it work in our own country. As far as Haiti goes let somone else take care of them. It's not our responsibility. They are already talking about "What are our long term plans for rebuilding Haiti?" That means the 100 million dollars pledged is just a miniscule amount of what they plan to spend. Can you say TAX HIKE? I am a very charitable person and try to make my donations where I think that they will benefit AMERICANS the most. If you spent your money how the government spends your money would you be broke very quickly? If you had a disaster in your town or state do you think that people from any other country would raise a finger to do anything to help you? Yes I am an @sshole!
  12. If that was intended toward me I have know problem calling a spade a spade. Obama is just the most recent ignorant piece of crap president that just happens to be a splib. Bush was a dumb@ss cowboy and Climton was an adulterous lieing redneck. I don't hide behind my screen. I've been on this website for along time and there are alot of people that know that sometimes I just don't care. These politicians that are supposed to be representing the people of this country only care about the corporate interests because that is who buttrs their bread. The only way it's going to change is when the general population gets smart enough to figured out and that will never happen. Most people are like sheep and believe what they are told instead of thinking for theirselves. We give enough money to the man involuntarily so to give him more voluntarily would be stupid. Most of the money collected goes to line the coporate pockets in the way of administrative costs before it even gets to where it's supposed to go anyway. Like I said before the death toll wasn't high enough. There are suvivors and they are going to cost the American tax payers millions and more than likely billions of dollars.
  13. That right there should be reason enough to impeach that worthless f'n :B !
  14. I need to start looking for a YZinger 50 quad. Maybe I can find one before he is big enough to ride it.
  15. CONGRATS! I'm suprised we haven't seen any picts with him in riding gear.
  16. Alll I got to say is the death toll wasn't high enough because there are still people alive in Haiti. We have natural disasters here all the time and I don't see anyone giving us money. How moch money was collected from other countries when 911 happened? How many other countries are pitching in for the war? Maybe Bush and Clinton and Obama can give up their money to help but that's very unlikely.
  17. Try these guys. F-O-A Off-Road Shocks
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