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Everything posted by Foxysandchick

  1. I bought both of mine from Discount Firearms in 2003 and they gave me the blue cards at the dealer. After they conduct the proper background check to sell you a firearm and after the wait period has passed they sell you the firearm and provide the registration, it is part of the paperwork you fill out when you go in to make the purchase, then they file the paperwork. If you purchase a firearm and are not given a blue card then you take it to the substation and they will conduct the background check and you will complete the same paperwork there. You do have to have the blue card with the firearm and it is not a permit to carry concealed. You can carry another persons firearm with their blue card, but it is your responsibility to ensure that you are legally allowed to carry a firearm. Nevada is also a state in which you can carry an exposed firearm on your person in public, but you should check various cities ie. henderson, nlv and boulder city for their method of carry laws.
  2. I do both. A dealer will do the registration when you buy it from them, otherwise you just take the gun to a police station and they will do it for you.
  3. I know a guy with a raptor 350 that is piped and re-geared and it makes it up comp . Suzuki LTZ400 :mischevious:
  4. :praying: My pup is getting up there in years also, I will be devastated when he gives up. I had a childhood dog that went into the bathroom and passed away, seems like a common place.
  5. 10 people in the tent is no problem ! Now for beer, I dont drink it so I dont buy it . Food and snacks, hmm they might think twice after tasting my cooking . So Pete, you going to take me along on the next trip ? I will set up my tent and grill for your friends and mooch off you in return.
  6. nice pics, thanks for sharing. Looks like a great place for a vacation.
  7. http://members.iinet.net.au/~pontipak/redsquare.html
  8. A little boy goes to his father and asks "Daddy, how was I born?" The father answers: "Well son, I guess one day you will need to find out anyway! Your Mom and I first got together in a chat room on Yahoo. Then I set up a date via e-mail with your Mom and we met at a cyber-cafe. We sneaked into a secluded room, where your mother agreed to a download from my hard drive. As soon as I was ready to upload, we discovered that neither one of us had used a firewall, and since it was too late to hit the delete button, nine months later a little Pop-Up appeared that said: You got Male!
  9. Those are the same ones I just put on my bike :ahhhhh: and yes the instructions were worthless.
  10. Try www.passitonlv.com My mom gets stuff for all my siblings there all the time. There are other forums like that too with a little searching.
  11. I had a good time meeting drivers and crew, a few even let me into their trucks .
  12. :ahhhhh: Wow, nice house...you going to put the other one up for sale now? :icon_twisted: When you start accepting applications for adoptions, I am available.
  13. Info on a pre-race event... The SCORE desert racers roar into downtown Las Vegas for a pre-race party and the $10,000 Terrible’s Pit Crew Challenge. Be sure to head to Fremont Street as the pit crews race to beat the clock and take home the cash. There will be plenty of trucks on display and your favorite drivers will be signing autographs. And don’t forget – it’s all free! Schedule 6-7:30pm Truck Display and Driver Autograph Session- Throughout Venue 8-9pm $10,00 Terrible’s Pit Crew Challenge – SCORE Trophy Trucks 3rd Street Stage
  14. I :smoker: that and this thread I am and :porn: while at work and the boss thinks .
  15. Could you imagine all the DDR chicks riding around with depends on..lumpy butts think about it guys, could you willingly pee on yourself? Would be very interesting to see a group of the girls lined up at comp taking a piss, tell me that wouldn't get a reaction from the guys But I found it easier to lean on something, like a truck tire, to hold myself up while I squat then I dont pee on my shoes. Dani I will teach ya sometime
  16. A kiosk at my work sells the matching jacket
  17. I started in law enforcement with LVMPD right after high school, I left after 3 years due to a medical condition. I have been gone from there for almost 3 years and I am trying to go back, but it is a long complicated process. I have just been doing security jobs to get by since all I have ever done is law enforcement. in my own post.
  18. Easier information from the DMV NV site... Any motorized vehicle which does not have the normal safety equipment such as lights and mirrors or is not built to federal vehicle standards is an off-highway vehicle and is restricted to off-road use only. This includes all-terrain vehicles, pocket bikes, gopeds and snowmobiles. There are no driver license or minimum age requirements for off-highway vehicles. City and county governments may designate small portions of public streets for access to or from off-road areas only. (NRS Chapter 490) :ahhhhh:
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