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Everything posted by Luvdunes

  1. Went there quiet a few years ago pretty country, good pizza, close to New York and Princeton was an awesome campus. Glad I got to visit would not like the winters.
  2. Happy to hear that Walt will be able to help you. I know when my putter acts up I am totaly lost.
  3. I don't know about anyone else but I am totally confused and don't understand most of what you guys are saying. Hopefully Danielle you do and get the putter to work for you.
  4. Nice pictures, thank you for sharing.
  5. Sorry that your stuff got stolen that sucks. I hate theives.
  6. Depends on $$$$. Our 1st trip should be Halloween. Know it is crowed on holiday weekends but can't beat the excitement!
  7. Minor that was so good of you to help, the world needs more people like you! :worthless_without_pics: Our prayers go out to the family and friends :praying:
  8. Check, charge or paypal? Ready to order!
  9. Sooo Cute! Love her name. Congrats to both of you! The time goes by so so fast enjoy each and everyday even the sleepless nights.
  10. Luvdunes


    O.K. we know it is a male but what kind of animal is it? Those are some big balls!
  11. Oh No not YELLOW !! What happened to the grey and red?
  12. I have service here. True about Nextell or should we say Nextfail
  13. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the people that were involved in this horrible catastrophe and to their familes. :praying:
  14. My son wears his hat and pants the same way and so do the majority of the high school guys. I don't like it but our parents didn't like what we wore either. My son obeys the rules and is very polite so I don't think you could lump everyone who wears their hat that way in the same negative category. Just my :porn:
  15. Sorry about your loss. Hopefully your family finds the perfect puppy for you.
  16. That's where we are most of the time too! Thanks again
  17. Pete I was looking forward to the DDR ballon so I could come over and say Hi! Now how will I find you guys? Serious when my husband got hurt in Feb that was how the paramedics found us because we told them we were near the DDR ballon. So the ballon was very helpful thanks!
  18. We do like your ballon, we always use it as a landmark to find our camp so thank you. Don't understand people that crash other people's camp. :worthless_without_pics:
  19. Luvdunes


    Have a great vacation, send pictures when you can. It is great to have people that you can trust to help you out.
  20. Thanks for sharing your pictures. Love the OC fair it is the best.
  21. Congrats!! :eatdrink021: Boys are so much fun.
  22. That's sad . What happened? We have coyote's walk down our street and just stand there when you come up on them in the car you have to drive around them. I like living in a rual area.
  23. Congrats! I know what you mean having to drive two things not fun and not cheap! That is why we got the moho and got ride of our 5th wheel. Boat is another problem learned not to launch with moho. We had to get something big enough for extended family to stay in too otherwise your setup would have been perfect. Great price, good things come to good people. :ahhhhh:
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