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Everything posted by dunefreak

  1. until
    Some people like to plan early, so here's the dates for Halloween weekend 2020. October 30-Nov 1, 2020.
  2. A little "breezy" today in Vegas. I wonder if any of that W blew out at D today. The sand should be in great shape! And look at Sunday. High of 67! nice
  3. Looks like we'll be heading out for MLK weekend! Anyone else going out? Weather forecast looks good. Partly cloudy, highs around 60 and lows near 40.
  4. Just thought I'd start a thread for President's weekend. Who' headed out this year? Oh and heads up- no Jeep drags/ hill climbs this year. The Jeep club is taking a break this time around.
  5. President's Weekend is coming up and it's one of Dumont's biggest weekends other than Halloween & Thanksgiving. The normal tradition for President's weekend is the Jeep Jamboree drags and hill climbs, but this year the club is taking a break. You can still expect the normal crowds and vendors to be there though. If you plan on going out anytime from Feb 11-17, 2020, you will need a holiday pass. Trump image credit
  6. until
    President's Weekend is Feb 14-17, 2020. There will be no Jeep drags or hill climbs this year. They're taking a break this time around.
  7. Can you believe its 2020 and we're approaching the middle of dune season already? The next holiday weekend is right around the corner, MLK Weekend. Although it's not typically a busy weekend, holiday passes are required from Jan 14-20, 2020. This holiday weekend is what I like to call a duner's holiday. You won't find thousands of people partying at Comp Hill on Saturday night, but instead you'll notice more people actually in the dunes carving it up. Vendor row isn't going to be full like on the big weekend, but there may be a couple of vendors who show up. If your going out, be sure to post up a dune report or tag us on Instagram. Have fun and be safe. MLK weekend 2017, Instagram
  8. So there have been a few posts on our FB page today about the trampoline trash. Looks like it's almost cleaned up. Hopefully someone else can get rid of the rest. Thank you Jon Ford.
  9. It is getting a bit ridiculous. I like the swingset and the north/ south poles, but I have no idea why they have become a trash collection. Even the memorials don't belong there (ie: N.Pole). We have a Memorial Hill designated specifically for things like that. The shoes, old parts and riding gear, etc on the north pole need to go. I say we take a vote and clean it up on Cleanup weekend in addition to the janky ass trampoline that is probably going to fall apart out there.
  10. Looks good. Nice work. My front arms started to bend too. I added lower gussets to both.
  11. I already shared your FB post in the lost/ found section. Keep looking. He likely come around. Good luck!
  12. We got word of the Flight for Life helicopter landing on Friday. A friend of his reached out to us to let us know what happened. His buddy was in a turbo RZR that he just bought 3 weeks ago, but was an experienced duner. He let off a bit too early at the top of Comp and the RZR rolled 13 times down the dune. He suffered a broken arm in two places, major head swelling and a gouge to the right eye. Wishing him a speedy recovery! That sand sounds sketchy this weekend. It's wet and slick but grabs quick once you get down into it just a little bit. Photo from @Short Bus Ice Cream
  13. It's cold as hell in Vegas today. I bet those dune rides are chilly. Still better than being at work or home though! Thanks for the updates, Jodi.
  14. Awesome. Enjoy! I hope you get the parts you need for the buggy. Thanks for posting up!
  15. yep, it's back open and I updated the post. Thanks Gerald.
  16. Friday 10:18 AM UPDATE I-15/ Mountain Pass and SR-164 have re-opened, however there still may be some delays. For those who are heading out today, you can check the NDOT website for road closures. Also, Google Maps should have the traffic layer up to date with any closures. Mt Potosi/ SR-160 is open. Lots of snow on the mountain, but the road is plowed and clear. Current closures as of 7AM, Friday I-15 South leaving Vegas. It is expected to re-open today, but expect long delays. SR-164 leaving Searchlight towards Nipton Check NDOT's site for up to the minute conditions as they may change. https://www.nvroads.com/icx/pages/incidentlist.aspx feature photo: Cal Trans
  17. I believe Mt Potosi is open but I-15 south leaving Vegas is closed until noon. SR-164 leaving Searchlight towards Nipton is also closed.
  18. Getting a few reports of full 5 bars, text, video, etc just about everywhere in Dumont. I think Verizon is up and running on the new tower as of this week. 👍🏻
  19. I love chill days like that. Enjoy!
  20. Those are awesome, Neal. Thanks! BTW, your FE135 link isn't working, but https://www.nealrideoutphotography.com/buggyroundup2019 works ok.
  21. Sweet. Thanks for posting that up, Jason. Great meeting you.
  22. Those were badass, Jason. I should have stopped to watch but we went duning and I broke my car instead. LOL
  23. until
    MLK Weekend is Jan 18-20, 2020 Holiday passes are required
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