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Everything posted by TheAlaskan

  1. Sounds and looks like it was a great weekend out there! aside from a few injuries ,Hope everyone Heals quick and Fully for next season. I, of course, was stuck at work all day on saturday making no money
  2. That quote was taken directly from the story.........I didnt know a fight between two people could be considered a "brawl"
  3. "A Miami Beach Police Department Crime Scene unit also arrived at the Setai to photograph the aftermath of the February 7 brawl, which left blood on the hotel room's walls, floor, door, phone, bed, and towels." They forgot to mention in the story that the Police had to purchase a ShamWOW to clean up all the blood
  4. Damn, that thing is sick!!! Sweet ride!
  5. Their first CD is up on Itunes if you have it.
  6. Great pics Jodi! looks like it was damn good times out there!
  7. Great pictures Pete!!! that was good times fo' sho' last night!! and them fosters hit the spot GET YOUR SKANK ON" Mutttthhhhhaaaaaaaabittttttccccchhhhheeeeezzzzzzzzzzzz
  8. Never shop on Amazon then. That's how they run it. I ordered through them a couple of christmas' ago and the gifts came from all over the place; texas, Florida, Pennsylvani etc. it worked out for me though. I was able to cancel a backordered item and order something different.
  9. Nice Cole!! That thing is sick! How's it run?
  10. yeah, were aware of that. and we dont care.....were rebellious and schiatttt!
  11. Yeah, the owner did mine. It was a couple of years ago now. I thought he did a great job. I've seen some of the other work that h.e has done first hand and its pretty incredible
  12. I'm with Mike Of course since I talked chit about pandora not working at work.......its been working here all day!!! Been blasting punk and ska all day long!
  13. great Pictures Pete!! That crash on Sunday was fuggin Gnarly! Too bad you didnt get the tire flying off too.
  14. Nope, staying in town to go see ONE PIN SHORT on Saturday!!!
  15. That would be awesome! any chance I could get two of them out of you?
  16. Yep! Been using this for a while now. I think DuneFreak told me about it. It's pretty badass, the only bad thing is that I cant use it at work.........Damn firewalls!
  17. I've got three tats so far..... left fore arm, right bicep, right calf, trying to get som good ideas and a good shop to get sleeves done
  18. I got my left forearm done there. deffinately good peeps that dont f*ck around
  19. WOW! here's to a speedy and full recovery!!! and gettin back out there as soon as possible!
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