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Everything posted by TheAlaskan

  1. I couldnt understand a single thing in that video you sent me......still cool though
  2. looks like some damn good times......even if it was 100+ out there
  3. LOL yeah that was pretty rediculous. It was fun talkin isht though and those GIANT fosters helped
  4. Its at the henderson events plaza or some crap like that. Right across the street from the police station on water St. Its an outdoors concert so should be pretty easy to hear/spot. THe last time they had a big concert there it started at 5pm but I dont think OPS went on until like 9:30, not sure about the times this time though. Might have to get 'Freak to text shawn and see when the HOTS and OPS go on
  5. I tried getting the Two for half price but they were sold out yesterday. regular price tickets are still for sale though. And as cheap as they are im gonna have to pass on friday night. OPS is putting on a show here in Henderson Jodi, 10dollar cover
  6. I would be going but I'll be at work all day saturday. And then OPS!!!!
  7. that place looks awesome! PINE TREES? I havent seen those in forever lol
  8. Looks like fuggin awesome times!! I'm deffinately going to have to make it out there some time
  9. Great job cole! Those two were lucky you were there and knew what to do. Hope they heal up quick and those two fuggers, i mean muggers, get whats coming to them. I can see Cole on patrol now
  10. first thing to pop into my head would be a coolant leak
  11. let me know what they are Anna and I'll forward them along. I know she doesnt live in the Tenderloin anymore, but still in SF somewhere.
  12. Let me know when your ready to put a V8 in that thing Cole, I have a C6 auto trans that I MIGHT be willing to let go. Depends on whether or not I get my project going.
  13. Pete: BAD FUGGIN A$$ pictures mang!!! way too many good ones to point out my favorites. The few times I've been to San Fran I had a blast. My friend Ashly lived like 3 blocks from the Union square station in the Tenderloin district when I visited last year...Interesting fuggin time walking through that area in the middle of the night lots of and Anna: Count me in on the Bay to Breakers race, my friend does that every year and says its a freaking riot!
  14. Right on you guys! Hope you had a good time out in Ville.... I mean San Fran.....And an even better time out in Lil' Sahara, I'm fuggin jealous
  15. this is why torture should be available as a punishment, screw placing him in jail for the rest of his life with three meals a day. this man should be destroyed......sssssssllllllloooooooowwwwwwwwlllllllllyyyyyyyyyy that poor, poor kid.
  16. So what exactly is it that you do? And how can i get into it??? :beer_bang: thats a sick a$$ yacht!
  17. damn this thread is fail went from "Nice pics Pete" ( of which I agree) to a "fugg your life choices b*tch fest" to each his and her and theirs and your own. Quit bitching everyone and lets look at the pretty pictures or at least take it to the pm's and spare the rest of us
  18. New sites looking good Pete! and that picture of the luxor and the moon is pretty incredible
  19. Just give me the money and I'll tell you your truck has more power
  20. Yeah, maybe for you parts pushers....they didnt pay us techs chit!
  21. That had to have been a Brown Recluse bite...those things are fuggin nasty! Luckily we dont have them here in Vegas. I know for a fact that they are in Phoenix though. My cousins boyfriend got bit by one in the forhead....fuggin gross
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