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Everything posted by ynot
leaking tire fix post from past post - where'd it go?
ynot replied to Doghouse's topic in General Chat
I have heard that the anti-freeze/aluminum combo does some damage on wheels over time. I found that Berryman's works best for me and is easy to do. -
Trade you a large Sons of Anarchy Banner for it?
Flight for life and accident on comp- Wed night Thanksgiving weekend
ynot replied to dunefreak's topic in Dumont Happenings
So not to stir the pot but when exactly would you like the rangers to be on scene for a holiday? I believe they have their people in place for the dates set aside for the holiday passes. But if you want to have a ranger there on Wed. well why not Monday or Tuesday? I am saying it's an OHV riding area that is unmanned except for 5 weekends per year. Other wise you have a patrol officer that travels in and out during his regular shifts. We have become dependent upon them being there whenever we want them but we don't want them there if they are going to write you a ticket for a violation or if your DUI etc. etc. You can't have it all folks! I know in 1975 I rolled my Jeep there in October and luckily my girlfriend and I were a little bruised and battered but we had to stop by the Tecopa store and use a pay phone to call the report in for my insurance purposes. Be prepared to take care of one another just like Steve did. With the cut backs that our government has put us into we are just not going to see the kind of presence there used to be. I might suggest investing in a good first aid kit and maybe a couple of classes to learn what to do with it when something happens. It is beginning to look like the good old days the more time passes on. Just my 2 cents worth. If anybody finds a beginning first aid class and wants to attend I would be glad to go too. Some thing I have always had an interest in and have used what little knowledge I have a few times. I hope I have helped and not hurt in those cases. After reading about the recent wreck and fire in Glamis recently I would also like to suggest at least every SXS and sand car have a fire ext. and also a space blanket to protect an injured person from weather and keep them from going into shock. Terry -
Yes they are required in all SXS vehicles, but not sand rails or vehicles with engine size exceeding 1000 cc's
Andy I agree with you in regards to the BLM doing things that are questionable in order to complete what ever task they have in mind. However dealing with federal lands is different than state regulations. I used to be a police officer in Nevada and if we were in pursuit or thought a suspect to be on the federal lands near Lake Mead National Recreation area a whole new set of rules applied. I know the head BLM LEO Chief is trying to get common ground with the Sheriff of San Bernardino and faces issues that were caused by the previous Sheriff. They want to be on the same page as BLM out at the dunes and in all reality it's better for us as users. I have been out of Law Enforcement for a long time but 4th Amendment issues are still the same, no matter where you are. I guess what I am trying to say is in the long run there is no reason for tension between users and LEO's of either jurisdiction. They want us to have a safe fun time and they want to protect the lands and the other people using the area. You may end up pursuing an issue in court but how is that going to play out with your department? How in the long run can you expect to make it a break even issue at best. I am not saying that you should lay down but remember that the fight is not neccsarrly won at the scene of the battle. If your having an issue with something going on, ask for a supervisor, record what's going on and take names and other info. I am hoping that you never have to get involved in something to this extreme again and it was a one time screw up by them. I have been told that the current crew of BLM officers are pretty well laid back and are more geared toward education but they are still going to write you if it's a blatant crime or you cop an attitude just as you would if you were on the street doing the same thing. One thing I know about cops is that they are trained and made to feel that they have to "win" at every contact. Not saying it's right it's just the mentality of staying alive in a dangerous occupation. Thank you for doing what you do, and hope this helps.
And this is going to get you where is my question? We all know that unless they have a MOU in place they cannot write for Ca. violations. However I am sure that they can come up with a viable PC for the stop and then wait till the SO get there to write you a state/county ticket. You can protest in court all you want they get paid to go to court and stand there. I would much rather receive a Ca./county ticket then a federal ticket in most cases as the fines will at least go back to the county where I am playing in. BLM fines go into the general fund of the US Government and we all know where that goes. I have been going to Dumont since 1975 and knock on wood, I have never received a ticket nor been stopped. Have I done stupid things , well yes in my youth and pre grey hair I did a lot of dumb sh*t. Luckily I just never got caught. But there were a lot less of them back then. Moral to the story is if you look for a fight with the LEO's out there your in their world not yours, your going to lose. Relax, enjoy yourself while your there and obey the few rules that are in place and everybody will be happier for it.
I am sure that if you want to have a discussion on this when or if you get pulled over it will not bode well for you. First they have plenty of federal laws to write you for and secondly why piss them off when maybe they were just going to have a conversation with you. A yes sir and no sir will do wonders.
Just make sure Lou is not the one trying to pass you, he becomes very upset if you think you own the road!
What Bert says about the speed is exactly right. It causes the acceleration and braking bumps on the road. I don't know why the dirt road becomes a speedway, if you already drove X amount of hours and have confirmed by visual that the dunes have not left why does it become such an all fired hurry to get to the campsite?
New it would bring you in Svengoolie, your always good for finding the negative at anything we try to do at Dumont. Let's see $40k per mile road is approx. 6 miles long, simple math=$240,000.00 Yeah the fee demo plan only generates about $500K per year so we should take approx. half to make sure you get a comfy ride in and out of a OHV area? Yes type II is not the long term answer but it is the right now answer that we can afford so let fly from here!!
They are in the midst of working on a MOU (Method of Understanding) at this time but it isa not in place right now. This is government folks and nothing moves quickly.
Road is being worked on and they just put $75,000.00 worth of new type II down so it should be smooth sailing. So you think $40.00 is to much to charge for 7 days of camping and access to one of the worlds greatest OHV areas? You'll burn more than that in fuel just having fun!
Yeah that would be my plan also! And I agree that the clean up area works for me at least. Big enough for all of us but little chance of getting stuck:(
Here is the agenda for the meeting. I will be leaving about 7:00 to 7:15 tomorrow if anybody wants to ride down. If you have anything you want addressed please e mail me or PM me it today. Terry Draft Agenda for November 19, 2013 10:00 am. Call To Order Pledge Introductions Approval of the Agenda Approval of the Minutes DISCUSSION ITEMS Status of Subgroup membership applications General Dune usage report Up date on DAC/ RAC and fee increase? Funding of ELO on off weekends Heritage Trail-T&T Railroad Road Members Items From the Floor Adjournment
Hang in there JJ! I know this medical crap is just that but pay attention and keep your mind right about the healing process. Anything I can do for you please let me know I am at home or available to help you out most anytime. Even if it's just coming over and hanging out. We can compare scars:)
Yeah every couple of trips, depending on how many runs and how many high speed runs we went on. Also what the oil on the dipstick looks like
Maybe CBM might have one, I will call them on Monday. Or Kartech? What am I asking for, you know in technical terms?
Jim, did you not get this message on the straps I use? http://www.talcospecialties.com/Ratchet-Strap-2-inch.aspx
All Funco sand cars have air bag suspension. It is their key to the great handling in the dunes. I understand there are down sides but I don't know what they are, never ridden in one nor owned one. But I have followed a few through the dunes!
I have no idea but trust me they do have a regulation for it!
Saw this coming from your first post. The BLM ARE very serious about "Event's" or anything that looks like it could become one. The Off road race a few years ago where the trophy truck went into the crowd did us in. Since that moment everything has changed and things they might have looked the other way on just don't happen. Sign of the times I guess. Terry
I will not be doing back out till probably Veteran's day. It's a toss up on the road but my money would be on a rough ride this weekend.
It's one of those thing's that we wait and see what happens. It appears to me that the past BLM management team took the Dumont playbook with them and these new folks are playing by ear or by the book what ever the hell that is!
After talking to Barstow BLM they have declared the "OFFICIAL HOLIDAY" weekend as the weekend after Halloween meaning November 1,2,3. They will be charging Holiday price that weekend. If you are going this weekend expect to pay the normal $30.00 non-holiday fee to get your pass. They will be out there, I am not sure in what force but they will be looking for passes and sticker's. Due to the shutdown it is unknown if they will have the time or ability to grade the road. Since I was just there I will tell you that the road is rough on equipment and I think slow will save you some real abuse on your rigs. They are scheduled to put new type II down but due to the Government shutdown that has been pushed back till after the Holidays(can't tell you if that is T-Day or Christmas). Please understand that there will probably not be as many EMT and LEO's as an usual "Holiday" weekend if you are going this weekend. You save $10.00 but you may want to be extra careful as medical is not going to possibly be there as much as we would like. So remember you are in the middle of no where try to not put yourself in a life threatening position if you can avoid it as it just may be the last thing on your bucket list. Please be careful!! This is not an official BLM post I am only relaying information I received on the phone and am not liable for anything that may or not be correct. In other words don't even think of suing me. I own a sand car so I am broke:) Have a safe and fun Halloween which ever one you choose to participate in!! Terry