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Everything posted by Jakster884

  1. Yip this sums it up pretty good. The pedal part is what my son would say also.
  2. I guess yall are taking this serious. Nothing like taking on another addiction. Hope to see you this year.
  3. Not in my house hold. Good luck and VOTE!
  4. Now thats one Clean and Cool Garage. You know us Cali peeps dont like the heat.
  5. Steve looking good. New gadgets are always fun. R U getting ready for your Oregon Trip. Enjoy the SandAdiction.
  6. I read up on the Speedway last visit to Vegas. They have a bunch of cool packages from a few hundred to 3K. I drove a Auston Martin DBS last week ( My Bosses). $377K new car 2012 Model/ Manual Shift and I told my wife the same thing I was not impressed with a car which cost more than my house. It is a V12 518HP Twin Turbo. The Sound was Awesome but It was not a smooth ride as I anticipated but I drove like I stole it. Well Happy anniversary and enjoy your years to come. Here is a few pics of the car I drove.
  7. Well these are some great shots. We hit the Rose bowl for the show and I only took video no Pics. Had one hell of a time though. My day went just about the same as you Andy. Grilling, Chilling and Swimming the night before and started back up the next Morning. Good Times.
  8. Hopefully this work Exceeds your expectations. Upgrades are always fun and keeps you going. 50HP is plenty to Dune.
  9. Doesnt this car have roll cage what the hell was keeping his head from dragging on the pavement. Crazy fuggers.
  10. Looks like you are a regular. Looks like fun to me also.
  11. I say you should always lease for 3-5yrs max. This way you always have the latest and the greatest. Sad part is I own my Vehicle's no new purchases in the near future.LOL good luck on your venture.
  12. If I survive work till October. I should have a good dune season coming up. Thinking about selling trading my boat for a sand rail. I guess I shouldn't complain about all the work we have.
  13. welcome. Don,t worry about the pipe unless you have other issues. Just what Dunefreak said. Stay aboard and enjoy the Site.
  14. What an awesome story. Great peeps out there. Randy You are awesome!
  15. awesome pics and I am getting more anxious to get out. I love it yall get to get out as much as you do. Thanks again for another fun trip report.
  16. My family wants to shop at the outlets. I am assed out.
  17. I will be out till Thursday night or Friday Morning. Heading back home to hit the River for the weekend. Lets parta.
  18. I might just make this one. Heading out to Vegas tomorrow Morning.
  19. I am Stoked on this. Regatta always rocks. Now time to find time to get ready for the 5th. This should be a Mile stone. Excellent Job Peeps.
  20. Can we make the world any lazier. It's been out for a while
  21. Congrats and I have a feeling you will waste no time to put plenty of miles on this bad boy. What upgrades are in store?
  22. Damn, Time goes by Fast seems I just read this last month. I need a Life. Good luck on your career. If you lived in southern California I would tell any person to get into Aerospace whether it is Military or Commercial it is damn good year round. This is one factory Job the USA is not sending to China any time soon. But Nothing surprises me today.
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