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Everything posted by Jakster884

  1. Suspension is a good thing. Kinda helps the kidneys. Show the progress reports as you get close to finishing it up.
  2. Killer deal and congrats on the new Dune Casa.
  3. Congrats Nick. You will enjoy being a Daddy. Keeps you on your Toes. Duners in the making
  4. Thats nuts. Hopefully they figured it out. I would have stayed way back in case something came out.
  5. I am willing to hit Silverwood on the quad. They have some killer trails over there. Not sure when but hopefully we can pin a date down.
  6. Pete I know I made it out 2Xs to Dumont and once to Glamis for New years. Just was not enough to feel like I even went out this year.
  7. That place looks like fun. Technical trails are a blast. Cant haul a$$ but you get the oh sh*t factor going over the ridges. There is a cool spot like this close to me. Hungry valley. All types of riding and Camping.
  8. I would not mind heading to Vegas for a weekend and do a Friday Eat and Drink and some R&R in Vegas for the weekend. Havasu is Going to Happen this year!!! Its been all work and no play lately. This has to stop.
  9. Andy this must still be devastating but you can only move forward. I am sure its easier said than done when the shoe is on the other foot. I am glad you are moving forward and keeping positive. I see you prevailing and making the best of the situation. Good luck and if you can ever use an extra hand Give me call.
  10. Eat Sand! Yiah and we love it. Cool Shots.
  11. Mike I had a 400ex and did the 440 Athena kit. It made a hell of a difference. Go for it. That thing will pop wheelies all day long. Good luck.
  12. Hellz Yiah Steve. Nice Relaxing and looking forward to one of those soon.
  13. You will see two spots for wood on the left side right after you pass the Greek restaurant. little Housing complexes. I have stopped at both and prefer the second one. More wood for the same amount of cash$ Good Luck and Good Duning.
  14. I heave dealt with this lady. She does good work and a Quality Material to last. She can make any design you are looking for. But she does not make the 3'X4' Flags http://dwflags.com/store/
  15. Not Bad. I did not know you could have a monkey for a pet. Cool find.
  16. Sidehilling and riding the ridge of the face and back of comp This pic is bad azz. I can feel the side hill from this pic. No Traction I am sure. I am feeling sand deprivation about now!
  17. If work was not a necessity I would have gone but its not letting up but in fact getting busier if that is possible. I will be out for Clean up and I want to make the 31st. I have missed to many trips this year and need to make up some lost dunes. Glad to see everyone enjoyed their trip. Awesome!
  18. I say get there a day early to clean and participate at FSW the following day. I mean damn problem solved. See you there.
  19. I want to go Saturday extremely bad but I will not know until Friday Midday. If i can go I will meet at the same time. Possibly head out friday night and chill in my truck with a little Beer drinking and Fire.
  20. Hey Mike Next Time I am in Vegas Maybe I can stop by and see if you have well who knows at this rate just about any and everything you will need for A QWAD, RZR, or Buggy. . Just Kidding Good luck with your Sells... Your Garage must be a duners dream for spare parts.
  21. Andy loss for words. As you said everyone is in good health and this can only make you stronger for the future. This sucks. Sorry for the loss.
  22. In 2010 I was able to make a trip in May and June but this is a rare case and probably not the case this year. Not much of a winter this year. count on it to be too damn hot...
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