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Everything posted by Jakster884

  1. Looking like Clean Up weekend for me. Work is not letting up and It will be a Must with in the next 4 weeks. Was hoping to get an over nigher by months end also if possible.
  2. Andy that's crazy and yes you and Jake have angels watching over you. Nothing better than family time in the dunes!
  3. Hey I think it was you Blue steel and me. Not bad for a turn out.
  4. Post some pics when finished. sweet looking stroller.
  5. Little chiwawa is one Tuff Dog. Congrats to his survival
  6. Andy enjoy your weekend out with Jake. I wish the best for him and your Family. Its awesome to hear there is light at the end of the tunnel. I am having with drawls reading about every ones trip out this weekend.
  7. I liked the ant trail of 70'S at the end. Cool Video.
  8. I drain after every trip. This helps and you will know it is empty to begin with. You can only fill the crapper so high after 4 days. Just my useless
  9. yes you can only a credit card no cash
  10. I say go Unique ( Custom) gotta keep the trophy collection going.
  11. Coming out nice. Enjoy this buggy never know how long this might last. Just saying. :randog:
  13. Awesome Video. I see you liked the pics. I live in Old Town Pasadena myself. I see you are also in the same area.
  14. A few more action shots. oop's made it Caught right on. Look at the Media Guys Oh Snap! Hoping to see the go pro video of this soon
  15. Well I had a blast. Rolled in Thursday night at 12:30PM. Good thing I bought two new 6V batteries. My 2 12V were done. Generator would not start so I has to get to wrenching and . What a long night well worth it though. I had an awesome weekend with the whole crew whom attended. great peeps and on hell of an event. . I want to chime in on the 10 Laps I thought it was a great workout and not bad considering my fat but was not Hauling a$$. I have one suggestion for the 5th Regatta for the unlimited class to only have suspension bikes with unlimited motors. If you put suspension bike with modified bikes this is not a fair race considering 95% of the 70 have no suspension. I am aware the youngster took first without suspension and props to him one bad a$$ racer. Congrats to the Utah Family which rocked the Regatta. Back to the Dunes I stayed till Monday Morning and never took one dune run the whole weekend. I did make a run to the South pole with my little girl which was awesome her first Quad run to the pole. She enjoyed it. Wont be the last that for sure. My other little lady was sick all weekend with 103F temps and a urine infection. Damn daddy would not take her home made her suffer at the Dunes. LOL I enjoyed camping with everyone as a group and wish I could have chatted with more peeps but time goes fast when you are having fun. I took about 1000pics and will post them up this weekend. I will be back out to Dumont soon but not on presidents weekend it will be probably last week of February or 1st week of March. All I can say is this is one event I look forward to all year long and it is well organized by the Dunefreak he is as well as his Lady Anna one hell of a couple there.
  16. Andy What size carb are you running? K&N will work but go with a Uni Filter. Should be around 12 1/2" ID on the carb.
  17. Still enjoying the weekend with my two little ladies. Drinking with tres and dunerat. Bad a$$ weekend. Don't want to call it a night yet. Awesome show Pete. Trip report to follow tomorrow.
  18. Go to More Reply Options. At the bottom of the post you can see a tab to Attach Files. Go to Choose File and then once it has downloaded you can add to post. You must have a picture no bigger than 1000x750 Pixels. In most cases you will have to re size your photo. I also believe you can use Photobucket and copy the link straight into the post. Not sure how this works yet.
  19. I have two you can have. Rolling in tomorrow nigh
  20. That sucks. There will will be plenty of peeps out this weekend coming up starting from tomorrow. Hopefully we see him and he gets rescued.
  21. Hell I work right off the 110 heading to long beach. Truck stops every block. I will see what I come up with tomorrow.
  22. I am looking for Local Stock. I am not looking at the brand. Hell If Trojan was around the corner and sell direct I would go to them if time permitted. Just checking if anyone in the area knows of a place with Stock???? Thanks for the replies.
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