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Everything posted by Kitcat

  1. Oh that is so sweet. We found 2 labs while riding at Apex. Some jacka$$ left them out there while riding. We got a hold of the owner and she drove put to get them. The jacka$$ was her boyfriend. I hope she dumped him!
  2. As for the rain, that's what roofs on the RZR are for.
  3. Cottonelle works for cleaning up. I love being able to take showers everyday. Another luxury when you're a dink (dual income no kids) and the trailer is all yours!
  4. The weather is nice today. It's cloudy, but no wind right now. We have a ton of friends and family camping with us. It's going to be an awesome weekend. I think we're staying until Tuesday.
  5. We might have to make it a day trip. I love clean up.
  6. We're definitely going. It'll be Mark's birthday the previous Wednesday. Woo Hoo! I can't wait to go. Should be a blast!
  7. We don't need to buy another RZR! LOL!
  8. That's scary! Reminds me of a fatal accident we saw on the 215 with a rolled over SUV. Yikes!
  9. Wow - what a atory! I'm so glad that Cindy's life was saved. You and your friends and true heros. RIP Jesse.
  10. We are planning on going, hopefully for the weekend! We had a great time last year!
  11. Nice pics! We haven't uploaded our pics to the computer yet. I'm sure Bluesteel will be doing this soon! We went to Dumont on Thursday night and got home today. We went on some great rides and had fun with friends. The dunes were smooth, but lots of razors!!! On our way home today we got a blowout on one of our trailer tires (like a mile from home). Bluesteel changed it out and we got home safe!
  12. We won't be there for Halloween (going to a wedding), but this is REALLY COOL!
  13. I am so excited that Mark won a free pass!!! We will need to get our non resi stickers for the quads. :kitty:
  14. Just sitting on the sofa relaxing! We went to NYC last weekend. My sister got married - pretty cool!!! This Saturday is my birthday! We're going to hang out at Town Square and GO SHOPPING!!! Woopeee!!!
  15. We're thinking about going out Oct 8 - 10th. We'll see!
  16. I was just going to post that we won't be at Dumont for Halloween this year. My cousin's daughter is getting married. The wedding will be fun, but we will miss everyone!
  17. That's so sad. I saw the accident on the news. It's terrible that those kids lost their parents.
  18. How in the world did I ever miss that thread??? I must have been too busy trying to find a toyhauler at the time. That is one of the craziest stories ever. talk about camp drama! Tweekers are stupid! Meth mouth is soooo gross. How in the world does Meth cause your mouth to look like that? I know about the sores on the face. I guess the tweekers feel like they have something crawing on their face and scratch it constantly. A former friend of ours dated a tweeker - a real winner. I thought she had bad acne until someone told me about the tweeker face thing. Yep, it was confirmed that she was a tweeker!!!
  19. I was crusing around the news sites tonight, when I came across this photo gallery: http://www.ktla.com/news/landing/wghp-pg-f...49.photogallery Pretty gross what meth can do to a person!!!
  20. That's cool you guys got recognized, esp for working in that heat.
  21. My thoughts and prayers go out to all those involved, including the driver. Such a sad story.
  22. And I get upset when they make me take off my blazer!!! I don't like the scanner. Seems fishy and more exposure to radiation than we need.
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