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Everything posted by Kitcat

  1. It was nice to see so many DDR peeps last night and to meet some peeps we hadn't met before! We had a great time! Looking forward to dune season!
  2. I have a laundry list of doctors (not orthos, though - that's probably the only doctor I haven't seen - knock on wood). I am also the queen of second opinions, sometimes 3rd opinions. A lot of times doctors will do x-rays, then ulrasounds, then MRI's. At least that's what I've experienced. It's usuall ruled by the insurance companies. Good luck and I hope the pain goes away soon!!! B)
  3. All of the pics are so cool. I can't believe the wicked razors out there. I don't know if I should say how awesome it is that you guys took a day trip there or are you nuts in that heat??? :freakin_nuts: Looks like you guys had fun!
  4. How lame! People need to get a life! Do something productive like pick up trash at the Clean Up or any other time at Dumont. Keep our dunes clean and stay away from the amenities if you're going to damage them!!! :freakin_nuts: :dumbass:
  5. Wow! What a crazy accident. Sad to see something like that happen.
  6. Personally, I don't like climbing into the RZR. But I guess I'm going to have to live with it. Mark did a nice job installing them and they look pretty good. He just loves taking pics of the rides - kinda like me taking pics of the animals! Everyone's got an obsession!
  7. Beyonce actually took the whole hair cut thing quite well. They didn't have to sedate her. She was a good girl! Tigger.... on the other hand... was a different story. He used to have a "file" at the vet's in California. In big bold red letters... NASTY WHEN GROOMED! I told the vet to sedate him for their own safety! Craig - how did I know that YOU would write something like that!
  8. I finally got the cats to the vet for their summer cuts. Beyonce has gained a little weight. I love her spots. Tigger looks great as usual - our big lion!!! This one's for you Anna! :ahhhhh: Beyonce: Tigger:
  9. We usually get the annual pass for $120. This year Mark won an annual pass at the clean up. Otherwise, we would probably still get the $120 one.
  10. Very cool pics! Looks like you all had a lot of fun!
  11. I wasn't a big metal fan, but sad to hear he passed away. I used to see him on MTV (when they used to play videos). Cancer is a terrible disease.
  12. Nice pics Jodi! I love going hiking. Red Rock is so beautiful! This has to be the most amazing spring ever, since we've lived in Las Vegas!
  13. The pics are awesome!!! Thanks for sharing. One of these days we'll make it out there!
  14. Thanks Pete! Hopefully next year we can have an even bigger team. We've almost reached our fundraising goal! Breast cancer has affected several people in our family, including my father inlaw.
  15. You're very ambitous!!! Black and orange will be cool for Halloween!
  16. I hope you guys had fun!
  17. Looks like you guys had fun! Great pics!
  18. We had a blast at the Susan G Komen walk a couple weeks ago. We had 15 people total join our team (a few slept in and just donated, didn't walk). In case anyone wants to give to this wonderful cause, you can still donate money until May 31st. Breast cancer is a scary disease that can affect just about anyone. It seems like more and more women (and men) are being diagnosed and at an early age. Here is the link to our team: http://rfclv.convio.net/goto/heatherseitz Just click on the link "Support Lucky Starz" below our picture on our team page Team Lucky Starz Downtown Vegas Survivor Photo The walk (17,000 people did the race)!!! Lucky Starz on the walk
  19. Crapparal!!! :lol: I can't believe they sent us one rim and expected us to wait over a month for the other 3. STUPID!!!
  20. Sounds like one of those movies.... Brown Chicken Brown Cow..... :sophie: :sophie:
  21. About 5 hours. It's not bad and the drive is nice, esp when you get into Utah!
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