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Everything posted by dinicolady

  1. If you are carrying some folks' coolers, I'm sure they won't get TOO far ahead of ya!! I think the answer to that may be the above quote! We'll have the kiddos with us, so we definately won't be at the head of the pack!
  2. Ahhhh, that would be great if you can!
  3. My vote goes to........."As the Dunes Blow"
  4. And I thought, "Geeezzzz, this one is STILL going?!?"
  5. Bob, I think you are certifiably NUTS!! CAN'T WAIT to meet you!! (I'll be chuckling about this one the rest of the evening, I'm sure!)
  6. I agree with Pete, and if you're not level, the readings will be off too! Sounds mighty small for a black tank. We carry 100gal fresh, 40 each black and gray on a 33 footer. Never read full on the black yet, (came close Thanksgiving; had guests too) fresh said empty at the end of T-day weekend, but kept pumpin' water anyways. Our gray does fill up, especially on extended weekends....when the bathtub won't drain, that's a sure sign!! In answer to your question, yes, you can buy 'auxillary' holding tanks. We have been considering adding additional gray storage to ours. But in the meantime, I conserve by using a wash tub in the kitchen sink, dump it in a hole outside or into the black tank. I try to wash as few dishes as possible, but there's always some to do, especially cookware. We also utilize the outside shower nozzle for the really messy stuff. Oh, and I keep plenty of sanitizing hand wipes on board for the anal son...much less running of water that way!!
  7. It was vice-a-versa.....Me for sure THIS weekend, her maybe Me maybe PREZ weekend, her for sure Or whatevers! It's all good, you're forgiven! :mischevious:
  8. GOOD point there Don, well, at least about the shirts and stickers! :mischevious:
  9. COOL!! So we can go play in the sand Friday, yeee-haaah!! (I need practice on the Warrior) Oh yeah, read it at work today, but didn't reply (someone looking over my shoulder )
  10. We used to do the Blue Diamond version, but this is the 2nd season doing the Pahrump route for us. We're up in the N/W area, so the 95 is just a few blocks away. Yes, a little longer, but we fuel up the truck and the bellies and don't have to worry about them "switchbacks".
  11. I'm SOOOO glad you guys are coming out! What day?? We'll be there early Thurs. morning, so we'll have a jump start on a bunch of peeps. REALLY looking forward to this weekend too, :fro: but by the looks of Pete's list, may not be such an off weekend after all! :jester:
  12. Hey Pete, you hungover or somethin'?!? Maybe lost your way to the Prez Day thread?!? MAYBE dinicolady, MAYBE! (geeezzz, I must really leave an impression)
  13. One time, at sand camp................ When I saw that topic, I knew I had to check it out. One MUST say it with "American Pie" inflection added! I learned that when I hear my wife telling the camp bartender to make her drinks stronger, and I see her smoking a cig or 12 (she used to smoke when she drank before we hooked up), that it is time for me to quit drinking for the night, and start babysitting GOOD man!! She's trained you well! :jester:
  14. :jester: I was refering to your wife being the newbie, and maybe SHE could do the driving! Really tho, I hope you two can make it out, even if it is just for the day! You guys are VERY welcome to come hang with us after the ride (for more riding, too) and we could even throw somethin' yummy on the grill for dinner. :fro:
  15. It can get pretty narrow in some spots, not enough room for 2-way traffic most of the way, BUT if it can handle some rock climbing and minor boulderage (is that a word?) by all means join in!! With that said, if you do decide to take that beast on the trailride, I hope you understand you will most likely become the designated "Beer b*tch" with that big ol empty bed!! :jester: :fro:
  16. .....and :jester: is NOT a requirement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Would it make you feel any better Dan if I told you they dominated football and the Superbowl 3 DECADES ago?! Oh yeah, you weren't even born yet, duh!! :jester:
  18. Sounds like an initiation of some sorts! Hazing?!? :jester:
  19. O.K. Davey, you heard her, the boss spoke!
  20. GOOD game today! Had to stay with the AFC all the way, but when those Bears ran back that kick-off, well, had to wonder. The buttery nipple shots were de-lish, did one each time the Colts scored.
  21. I don't even own a set of paddles for my quad!
  22. Yeppers!! Sounds like a plan to me!! P.S. Technically I could give the exact grid location, but I think the Ranger station is a good central location, everyone knows where that is!
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