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Everything posted by dinicolady

  1. Yes, that's true, BUT I think there are some definate advantages to buying "previously owned" haulers. #1 being that all the little quirks have already been worked out 'cause it doesn't matter who makes it, there ALWAYS seems to be something not working properly. As long as it was well maintained, there is nothing wrong with buying it used, and could save some good $$$ along the way, maybe even enough to buy the wife her own quad! Thank You, I'm done for now.
  2. We have never camped over there, but lots of families do and the few that I know do love it. However! We take our kids over there at least once a trip for riding and we have occasionally run into....ummm, lets say RUDE riders on busy weekends. Some guys love jumping their quads over there and a few rails will fly thru too. We'll be parked on a hill spotting for the kids and some people still insist on cutting in too close for comfort. I guess some folks just don't know the signal to slow down, or choose to ignore it. When the traffic gets to be too much, we just leave. Just my
  3. I see I wasn't the only person thinking that!! (Great minds must think alike ) I figure one big gust of wind or a lightening strike and they're down! I also must agree with you on the off weekends! It's SOOOOO cool to ride, and ride, and ride, and not have to worry about every Tom, d*ck, and Jackass to come flying at you or your kids every moment! However, all that riding sure wears me out! Still
  4. Whatta GREAT idea!! Here's a pic of what he's referring to Pete!!
  5. MAYbe that is why it looks SO familiar, but I thought I saw this rail at Dumont just this past weekend. Could anyone be so stupid as to take a stolen rail out to the dunes without even changing the paint?!?
  6. Kayla, did you see them actually roll?? I saw you haulin' a$$ to the top of the hill, THEN noticed a Rhino on its side. I could tell you were taking pics but didn't know it was Dan and Mike until Jackie came back down and told me. That is me and Jackie at the bottom of the hill waiting, I needed to shut my quad down to cool off for a bit, (I took it on hills it didn't even know it could do ) That was a fun run we were on!
  7. I'm sorry we didn't make it over in time to cut the cake with you guys! We figured we see you all at comp (word was that you all were taking the party to comp at 8:00) so we headed directly there 'bout 8:30. Oh well, I understand hanging in camp by the fire makes for a GREAT party anyway!
  8. Hey there Mike, didn't take ya long to find your way to the site! I was gonna post something up about turning a newbie on to the dunes! You beat me to it. Glad you had fun, and thanks to you for transporting the kiddos to Comp Sat night, they got a HUGE kick out of that ride in the "Pinz"!!
  9. Davey knows the story better than I, I only overheard him telling Mike Sat night at Comp. what Melanie saw (the yellow blanket/tarp in the middle of the campsite). They air-lifted the body out, didn't survive. (Maybe some of the Californians on the site heard it on the news and could post up the correct info)
  10. We were told by a gal in our little group that it was a child that was playing in his/her camp and was plowed over by some (can't find a word suitable enough) who cut through their camp site, ran the child over, and never even stopped.
  11. I have a twisty on my quad (it is an automatic tho), love it, wouldn't have it any other way. Had my hubby put one on the new to me Warrior while it was being rebuilt. Didn't want the thumb throttle. Personally, I like the control I have with the full grip.
  12. I'm with you on that one!! I hope all the paternity crap is settled LONG before she is old enough to know better. She's the innocent victim here, didn't pick her parents!
  13. :mc_smiley: I don't think there was a single point listed that I didn't agree with!!!
  14. Welcome a-board! Enjoy the ride and play safe!! :mc_smiley:
  15. There's the name right there!!
  16. We have a Sprocket living across the street, a Jack Russell shaped like a Tootsie Roll!!
  17. What you don't see in this pic is that Davey's eyelashes are white with dust!! That's what happens when you're eatin' everybody's dust!
  18. Our kitty Liberty adopted US at the Lied foundation! She is priceless!
  19. So that's where you were yesterday! Looked for that Chevy of yours for the Sperry Wash run! (You wouldn't have made it all the way...quads had 2 to 3 wheels on the trail in some spots at the end!)
  20. Well, we're home and unloaded, not bad since we didn't even leave Dumont 'til after 1:00. Had to get ONE more ride in before loading up. Got a little gusty out there, but was a very nice ride otherwise today. Pulled right up to the dump station at Tecopa, and low and behold it was Pete and Anna pulling out of it. We'll post up the pics later, gonna go fire up the grill and finish off the carne asada we didn't need Sat. night. (ALWAYS pack TOO much food, oh well.) Used more gas than water this weekend. My azz is toast but it was well worth it!!! Great weekend, lots of fun, and great friends to boot!!
  21. I know this is However, I have a question for you Joshua! Why the screename change?? Is this not you?!? http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/i...ost&p=38190
  22. Before we bought our 2nd Tahoe, we checked out the Carson 'booth' at a RV show at Cashman. Quite frankly we were not the least bit impressed!
  23. I am SOOOOOOOOO ready for this weekend!! Did a weather check, it's going to be awesome, may even have to use the A/C this weekend! B) Headin' out early in the a.m., so we'll be out on the hunt for folks come Friday! We'll be the official welcome wagon! :worthless_without_pics:
  24. Hell YA!! I 'bout fell off my stool laughing so hard and the tears were flowing! I do believe that is when I knew I was on DDR to stay, never a dull moment and always a good chuckle! (Gotta LOVE these new smileys!)
  25. No, there are no services at Dumont, however, there is a dump station at Tecopa. It'll take some practice, but you'll get used to it. Just make sure you bring another source of drinking water along, that'll help conserve too, (on the fresh anyway, ) or a 5 gal GOTE jug, just in case!
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