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Everything posted by dinicolady

  1. We'll be on the flats, so I guess that'll be out of the equation. Maybe the rockpile instead?!? :assrock:
  2. Backatcha!! Cool, may take ya up on that since I don't own any of my own.............yet!
  3. I x 5, 6 including our dune dog. Oh yeah, my sis-in-law and her hubby are joining us all the way from Boston Mass!! Not to mention our usual camp suspects. Gonna be a bunch of us so we're gonna rope off 'bout 30/50 or so acres and make our own neighborhood!
  4. True dat!! I thought you said you didn't start this thread "looking to start a war"!?! Quit arguing already And here's one for you too!!
  5. I don't think it's a Vegas only problem, I'm sure it's more wide spread than that. I honestly think it's an HMO problem. They are run like a business, Supercuts, get 'em in and outta the chair in 10 minutes! Save those $$$ wherever they can, it's all about the bottom line!!
  6. Takes only .2 mg to kill a person if ingested. News said something like 6000 times stronger than cyanide.
  7. JJ, I think you and me need to hook Justin and Pete up for a 2-wheel ride! Maybe that could ease the "tension" between those two, at least long enough to appreciate eachother's riding skills. Nick could help us out on this mission too!! Nick, PaulyPaul, Justin, and Pete.....oh, and Brit if he can hang with the big boys.
  8. I dunno about JJ, but Gerald is gonna be at the racetrack!!
  9. Just gotta shout out a couple of kudos here! First one goes to Rocky Mountain ATV for the speedy delivery of my parts. I ordered the six-pack rack and the twist throttle online Monday late afternoon...Pres' Day holiday and they arrived Wednesday with FREE shipping!! :freakin_nuts: The second one is for Sam's Cycle. Went there today to get the new grips. I had to ask a guy about a pair I liked, but found out they wouldn't work for the twisty. Picked a different set and he showed me some cheaper ones and suggested I would find them much more comfortable!! Besides that, I asked the girl <cashier> if anyone had dropped off some flyers for cleanup weekend yet, she said no, and it just so happened I had a stack of 'em with me!! I asked if I could leave a bunch with her and she said "Yeah, that's great thanks!!" So RMtnATV and Sam's!!
  10. Takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin', huh?!? :freakin_nuts: Any quad can roll but not all quads are this heavy, so true, it would hurt!! One of our former camping suspects had a 700 just like this one (orange) but her ex-hubby had piped it and I'm sure he did a few other mods to it. She got stoopid on it on more than one occasion and it flicked her like a booger!! Shoulder/back injuries, and even some cuts and bruises (rocky flats make for some scars!) The cooler rack on my s-i-law's kept it from rolling over on her when she gassed it up some rocks at Logandale....the rock still has the scrape marks but she managed to not get hurt. The panzy comment makes me :freakin_nuts:
  11. The IRS changing their mind and coming to repo my KFX700!! :freakin_nuts: :jester2: Seriously tho, as a parent, I share the same feelings about not being here for my kids....or even grandkids when that day comes. BUT, worse fear than that, to bury one of my kids. I can't....derrr.....don't want to imagine how life could go on after that! :freakin_nuts:
  12. Cleanup weekend, hard to plan an exact time but hopin' for as often as possible!! :surrender: I hope so too!! Ahhhhh, thanks, I enjoy your company also!
  13. I'm with you on that one!! :surrender: But it is funny as hell!
  14. AWESOME!! Gotta love the use of the word "fanatics"!!
  15. Dear Mr. Liberty and 1320, In my <not so humble> opinion, all this bickering over fees could be put to much better uses!! Our fight is with the treehuggers, greenies, Sierra Club, whatEVER name you choose to call them....they are the true enemy here and that is one battle we can never lose!! :rant_on: off.
  16. Can you imagine maneuvering that beast through the switchbacks!?! :eatdrink021:
  17. Thanks Amanda, Not over confident here!! Shoot, I only really started pushing the ol' Trail Boss to places it didn't know it could go up until the past 2 seasons. Had to, my kids got too good on their quads and it was necessary to head to the sand and off the trails. It's nerve racking to say the least and I know my limits. :eatdrink021:
  18. I am actually leary of taking an unfamiliar quad out for the first run in unfamiliar territory!! Truthfully, I really would be more comfortable at Dumont.
  19. You and me, Banshee hill :eatdrink021: :beer_bang: You'll beat me anyway.
  20. Ready to rock and <NOT> roll!! Glad to hear you are healing up! Thanks Jodi! You gonna be in on this girls' only ride too?!? there stranger! Made it home without any frost bite I hope! You guys decide on cleanup weekend yet? It's gettin' closer!
  21. Just yesterday, I jump in my Burb after dropping my niece off, start her up, and low and behold.... ....is playin' on the radio!! It was like an acid flashback when I remembered where I heard that last! :eatdrink021:
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