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Everything posted by Raptor661

  1. Well there wasnt anything sexually going on with her and him, so she says anyway. We split up for a while before and I was seeing someone else but we ended up getting back together. This time she emailed my ex-gf (from when we were split up) and then the ex told her we were still seeing eachother blah blah blah. I think its just an excuse to make me leave so she can get with this other guy.
  2. To make a long story short me and the wife have been having alot of problems at home lately. I found out shes been talking to another guy on myspace for a while now and that they are more than just friends. Shes telling me she wants me to move out for a couple of weeks so we can go on a few dates and see what happens. I personally think its an excuse to get closer to this guy. I came home last night and all my sh*t was packed up and she had divorce papers ready. This morning she told me she wanted to talk it out and I said it was too late. Any suggestions anyone? Im kind of stuck on what to do right now b/c financially it would ruin me.
  3. Me and the wife are about same income bracket as you guys but I pay child support for two kids. That takes a dent out of the quad money. The way things are going looks like im going to have another one to pay for soon too
  4. Those are some nice pics. While you guys were out having fun I was stuck in town working and fighting with the wife.
  5. I work for the city so I always know how much im going to make (which isnt that much).
  6. When you have a 'I Hate My Job' day, try this: On your way home from work, stop at your pharmacy and go to the thermometer section and purchase a rectal thermometer made by Johnson & Johnson. Be very sure you get this brand. When you get home, lock your doors, draw the curtains and disconnect the phone so you will not be disturbed. Change into very comfortable clothing and sit in your favorite chair. Open the package and remove the thermometer. Now, carefully place it on a table or a surface so that it will not become chipped or broken. Now the fun part begins. Take out the literature from the box and read it carefully. You will notice that in small print there is a statement: 'Every Rectal Thermometer made by Johnson & Johnson is personally tested and then sanitized.' Now, close your eyes and repeat out loud five times, 'I am so glad I do not work in the thermometer quality control department at Johnson & Johnson.'
  7. Go back in a week...if you have to fight dirty and throw sand in his face and hit him with a stick! :beer_bang:
  8. Raptor661


    I was hoping to be at dumont this weekend, then I found out I had to work at the last minute. Im getting and not in a good way :beer_bang:
  9. Raptor661


    Well my v-day story is a little long. I spent the day making traction bars for my truck at my dads house. I get home at about 6 and the wife calls and says shes going out for :beer_bang: with some friends after work. Ok, no big deal. Well 10 rolls around and I get a call to go pick them up. I get there and shes passed out with her head on the steering wheel and her friend is passed out in the parking lot right next to a big pile of . Right about this time I think this is just going to be a great night . I get them both in the truck and we start on our way to the friends house. After the first two stops they need to stop again so they can both .....again. Now heres something I couldnt help but laugh at. Two drunk girls getting out of a lifted truck thats parked right on the edge of a 4ft deep ditch. but then I realize its not so funny watching them go down the ditch because someone has to get them back in the truck . Well I get the friend to her house and she falls out of my truck and passes out in her driveway. At this point im irritated side of my tuck is covered in so I said F*** it, shes staying right there. Get back to my house and the wife opens the door of my truck leans her head out to and still cant get outside the truck, so now the kick panels of my door are covered. Then this morning she has the nerve to get mad at me for leaving her in the tub all night after I babysat her a$$ untill two in the morning. So to all you guys that got a steak and bj or even for v-day The closest thing I got to that was my beer, frozen pizza and internet porn after the kid went to bed.
  10. Right by the chevron on niles and 178...behind the mini storage
  11. LOL Ya we had a few cold ones today...ill fix that
  12. Just taken today...the grey chevy and the muddy raptor that you cant really see.
  13. lol........hey is she open next weekend =) rofl..
  14. Mine broke on the bottom for what ever reason. They are an alum tank that are about as thick as a beer can so there isnt much help in welding. I ended up buying on off of ebay, they are around 300 new and you can get a nice thick aftermarked for about 175. I woulndt suggest buying used tank b.c it will probably end up doing the same as what yours already did.
  15. i know where ther is one at if you are interested. I think I could get this thing for around 200 bucks. PM me if your interested. Get it running top shape and use it for the dumont hill shootout.
  16. Those WOULD look good.........but they are mounted on a DS.
  17. Did they fix the in the drags? last time I was out there they were about 3 ft tall and you couldnt hit them much faster than 3rd gear on a stock suspension bike. We used to make sure we washed the bikes real good when we got home and I never had any rust problems.
  18. After a few jager bombs id probably try it in my fiberglass. On its first trip to the desert we took a night ride/drive and it came back missing two emergency brake cables and a rear tire.
  19. I used to like oceano untill they closed it down to basically nothing. Last time I went there I left and came home early...the dunes were so rough you couldnt even sit down and enjoy the ride plus there were so many people it was hard to find a spot to park. But other than that its nice over there. also- San Luis Obispo is close...alot of eye candy there if ya know what I mean
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