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Everything posted by ltr450rider

  1. Yeah I saw it after I posted here, my statement stands.
  2. My ENV2 randomly shuts down every chance it gets. Nobody ever calls me tho so its not a big deal.
  3. WERE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!! :ah:
  4. Wow, maybe the one smart brain cell he has told him not to post that on this site. Can't wait for the August DDR night drags, had a freakin blast last year.
  5. So today I'm working at Sunset and Vine complex, more specifically the high azz billboards on top of the 10 story building. It's pretty damn scary by itself, but then I come up on this huge azz TERYDACTYL nest, with 2 baby terydactyls in it. The peckers on these birds were huge, thier beaks were pretty big too. BA-DA BAH. So I snapped off some pics with my phone and here ya go... And this is the newest, highest billboard in the state of California, I will be putting an ad up here sometime next week, it's still under construction. This is the same complex that Jimmy Kimmel Live is going to be at tonight 4/23, you might be able to see my boards in the background.
  6. King cobra and mickey's. NOTTTTTT!
  7. Exactly, good job there 'Freak People get waaaaaaaay too bent outta shape over the most rediculous things that get posted. This is the first and last site I visit before turning my computer off because it puts me in a good mood. Hey Cheese, I'll take, or NOT take showers when ever the hell I feel like it
  8. Does anyone think it's ironic that the person who talks the most crap (all-be-it funny azz good crap), is the same person with a peace sign in her avatar.
  9. Holy Hell Andy, drink a glass of milk or something. How about FORDSUX, it means, "FORD sucks" Just kiddin 'dude
  10. I wonder if he tried to put it in her _____!!!! Not all tweaker b*tches like it there I guess. Admins, feel free to erase, I have to be pushing the boundaries on this one.
  11. The REASON why Smart Cars are death traps. I'm right there with ya 'Freak
  12. I was with my brother coming back from the Industry Speedway races heading to the bar. He was already in the red BAC wise and was kinda racing this Chevy, which smoked his F-250 7.3 by the way :mischevious: . He makes a turn and gases it but stays under the speed limit, then a cop pulls behind us . He was getting a duece for sure, not good. The cop car followed us for about 1/2 a mile then lights us up past and intersection. So my bro pulls over on a side street to get off the busy street and is not feeling too good right now. Cop comes up and, oh crap, it's a chick. Sorry ladies, but I'm sure even most of you know the lady officers are the worst, by the book no matter what and usually kinda bitchy with a chip on thier shoulder to all men. She asks where we were coming from and and if my bro had anything to drink, so he told her strait up "Coming from the speedway and yes, I have had a few drinks tonight." She also asked why we pulled down a side street and my bro told her he was thinking of her safety since we were on a busy street. She takes the info back to her car and comes back pretty quick and asked if he got the windows tinted or if he bought it that way and then let us go. Friggin amazing, he would definetly have gone to jail if he said one thing wrong.
  13. I hate everything and everybody, I don't discriminate. :mischevious:
  14. Nice install. That makes me want to build a new box for my truck.
  15. Sorry Malcolm, my ride decided to go to Glamis instead , have fun out there.
  16. I was supposed to go, but our ride decided to go to Glamis instead. He says the wind through the cajon pass is too strong. Don't worry, I called him a..., well, I'll let you fill in the blank. Sorry everyone, I know you are going to miss me terribly, , but I'll be back for the night drags in August. Is it too early to start a thread for that trip?
  17. Right on Big_Gunz, I'll be on the lookout for the DSD crew, I'll stop by and have a beer if I see you. :freakin_nuts: By the way, I threw a pipe on my LTR, it's time to race. I may actually get by you now. LOL.
  18. Looks like me and bigtruckdrmr will be heading out with a buddy and his toyhauler on friday night. I have no idea what his hauler looks like, I just know he has a '96 F-250 extra cab. Should we set up a meet & greet for saturday since it sounds like there will be at least a few people out there. South pole at 2 pm.
  19. Soon hopefully, haven't even been once this season. Were are thinking 1st or 2nd weekend of April. Let me know if you plan on heading out sometime soon, we would love to hang out with you guys again.
  20. Never get sick of it, lots of cleavage from up there, but now I've been promoted to operator, so now I actually get to see thier faces.
  21. I guess we could have walked over to the camera guy, but he already left the sean. It actually is allowed, We buy the chair from a window washing equipment company. It's old school and actaully safer than a boom lift that we sometimes use.
  22. I believe they call that the "Shocker" tool.
  23. I got my class B commercial license 3 weeks ago and all I have to say is: my truck with crane wieghs 26,000 lbs, your civic wieghs 2000, lets see who wins this battle stupid!
  24. We did this job on 3/12 at the 405 and 105 freeways at LAX. Kenny, who is the guy hanging off the crane, noticed the guy taking the video across the street. I figured it was a news channel since everyone is having a hissie fit over all of the billboards in L.A. But somehow my crane operator found this video on Youtube. The vid only shows us hanging the vinyl from the top cable, we actually go all the way around the perimeter and cable the entire thing which takes about 30 mins for a sign this size. Enjoy
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