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Everything posted by ltr450rider

  1. That toolbox is sweet man. Good job.
  2. Nothing spectacular. I bought my truck used from a law firm, was thier company truck, you should have seen the release they made my sign when I picked it up. 4 pages long and at least 50 signatures and initials, overkill? Yes. But I had no problem signing and reading it since I'm the type of person that takes care of my own shiat. If I wrote up a release form, I would simply state: -The person riding the equipment is fully responsible for thier own actions. -That person will fix or replace any broken parts that they broke or damaged. -This is a release of liability and the owner of the equipment is not responsible for the actions of the person riding. Sign and date on the dotted line... But I would never let anyone near my stuff if I knew them to be irresponsible, even with thier signature. Gotta be selective and careful in this day and age of getting sued for anything.
  3. Don't get me started on Douchebag Tony. I'm going to make it a point to never look at this thread after this post. He actually makes me angry
  4. bigtruckdrmr will be getttin a new quad at the end of summer and she'll be keeping the 250ex for an extra. We were just talking about writing up a release form and everyone who rides it needs to sign it. Not to be jerks but it is hard to just take someones word that they will fix what they broke if it happens. And I don't see the problem in signing it if you are an honest person and will hone up to what you broke. I would sign one without any question if one of my friends asked me to. I watch alot of People's Court.
  5. Welcome to the site Most of the peeps on here are heading out this weekend for the cleanup. I'll be out easter weekend with my g/f and maybe a few friends, we usually camp near bathroom 6. Stop by and say hi if you see us. Meet and Greet is usually at the SOUTH POLE, not the North pole, at 2 pm saturday afternoon. Click on the MAPS at the top of this page if you need to find it. If it's not there, just head south towards Baker from comp and follow the finger dune on your right side and you should see at least a few people out there.
  6. Another bad thing is if you go with a Polaris, you're going to have richardcheese hangin' out with ya, and that's just not a good thing. j/k cheesy
  7. My bro is currently working at La Verne Ford and is hating life. He's been in the industry for 20 years and he says he's never seen it slower. I think he was making around 70-80k a year doing front ends, brake jobs, and lately, more and more lift kits on brand new trucks off the floor. I know he is desperately looking for another job. He can't pay his bills only getting 20-30 hours a paycheck. Good Luck
  8. Sweet, made my first episode.
  9. We no campy on da beachy. The S-10 can't make it far enough onto the sand to camp comfortably away from the water. We just day pass it and leave before the tide comes up. If it's just me and my g/f, Motel 6. Her family is staying at the Kon Tiki for 4th of July week.
  10. Only trip for sure is Fourth O' July. No other trips for sure yet Maybe one in June sometime. I'll let you know.
  11. Easter weekend is my last trip to Dumont, might need to find some peeps to camp with again 2nd weekend in April for a Glamis trip, if anyone wants to roll out, you're more than welcome. Then, Pismo and Havasu trips for the summer.
  12. I wonder if it would be faster than this guy I saw at Industry Speedway last year.
  13. Peanut butter and honey, especially when the honey gets kinda crusty, good stuff right there. Peanut butter and hot sauce huh, sounds like something my girl would like
  14. Everyone keeps effing with my posts I'm gonna stop posting. There's really no point anymore.
  15. Wow! :chev_bowtie: It's been a while since I laughed out loud at a thread. Thank you everyone. There is actually some good rhettoric (I think that's the right word) on this thread. I like this Pocketchange fella because he's not taking this thread that makes fun of him personally. He has his reasons for flipping his visor around and he's going to stick with it, right on bro . I think some people should read this thread top to bottom and look at the logic that goes into it. P.S. yes I know I said I felt like a douche for losing to him and some people might construe that as making fun of him. Truth is, I feel like a douche when I lose to ANYONE. So don't start hatin' on me and tellin' me I made fun of him. I don't care how he wears his visor. Just gotta clear that up.
  16. I raced that guy a few times. I felt like a douche just because I lost to him.
  17. Thanks Randizzle I always got caught and grounded for having shindigs at my parents house, I figure I can't get in near as much trouble here :dunce:
  18. I jetted my GF's 250ex and I had to remove the whole carb. I had to take the plate off the bottom. I don't remember exactly what I had to do. It was pretty easy and DynoJet sent good directions. I'd say just google it and see what you can come with. Good Luck.
  19. I missed my own party, I must've passed out. Oh well, doesn't look like very many people showed up anyway. Suckers, I get all the rest of the beer to myself
  20. Excuse me Hostess, I need a fresh pair of underwear please.
  21. :dance: :chug: :chug: :chug: :drunk2: IIIII"MMMMMMMM DDDDDRRRRUUUUUNNNNNKKKK :drunk2:
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