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Everything posted by BLUE STEEL

  1. :flatbiller: :flatbiller: Sorry to hear about your car. Just got a little excited about all the Coors Light people here.
  2. HOLLY :poop_hittin_the_fan: . Nice rig. Where's the ladder?
  3. I have a lot of the Huevos series. http://www.hbombfilms.com/index.html
  4. I guess it doesn't. I went ahead and ordered one. I'll keep ya posted.
  5. Hey Mr. Chop is alive. I thought with all your spare time you might be on here more. Love the avatar. :afro: :rhino:
  6. Also, the people who blame others for their own stupididy.
  7. We nick named our dog monkey.
  8. I heard it's not too loud, but gives the Rhino a nice tone. :rhino:
  9. I like the 4". I think they also have an internal balast. It will be interesting what people have to say. Also, how much differnce is the 40 vs. the 30?
  10. Very cool. My friend Joe uses this because he does not have a built in flush. Works great.
  11. What a cool event. The only thing that sucks is that we have to go to California that weekend.
  12. Looks really Bad :freakin_nuts: . Nice job.....
  13. We have the same type of netting on the back of our hauler, but we have never used it. We do not have the gate rigged with the cables though. How much weight do you think it will hold?
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