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Kens Colors

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Everything posted by Kens Colors

  1. I certainly feel sorry for the family's of those involved, but I have to say it, I don't even know these people but it pisses me off. What the hell were they doing to begin with!! It is not a "Tragic Accident" It was people doing dozens of things wrong at the same time. In my mind, of the scenarios that could have happened there, most of them would have ended bad. Stupid Stupid Stupid. I saw nothing in the paper this morning about it? It seems like about this time last year there was another late night "urban" "ATV" (it was a rhino) fatality.
  2. Is that tank half full or half empty? I would say not too damn long.
  3. It was on it's tires, right front wheel was jacked, cage was a little squished, it did not look like they had the complimentary yamaha factory doors on it. Guess they weren't wearing seat belts. They must have not put safety first?
  4. I was just watching Channel 8 news and they showed a yellow rhino, that had rolled and ejected both passengers, sometime last night. Nevada State Patrol was investigating and it looked like the rhino was on the road. Driver and passenger survived but in bad shape. I hope they are OK, but WTH :whacky101:
  5. I do NOT find any of the abuse Sand~Snake is getting funny at all!! I lied :no_no:
  6. If you are really asking for advice, my advice would be don't ask for it here. Hope things work out so you can be happy.
  7. Are you sure that pic is from this weekend I swear I have seen tha pic before
  8. Had to work on Saturday, but not complaining!!! Got a chance to take a few hours out to ride and left Vegas about 9 am made it back about 4 got in about 40 miles in one ride only took a few pics but this one is sorta funny. Wonder how that car made it that far out into the desert? I know I should have posted this in Other riding spots but too late now
  9. Hey if it is any consolation, every sector has been hit, even in Fabulous Las Vegas
  10. Now imagine this, what is the possibility that the J&J person may actually LOVE their job!!??
  11. Now I don't care who you are that's funny!!!
  12. I am in !!!! Now to figure out where and who to camp with I have been kicked out of so many camps I am running out of spots where is the Oficcial DDR camp at again??
  13. They are very adaptable too, they seem to like digging their burrows under plastic trash bags, that are full of sand, I am sure I disturbed 10 or more on cleanup weekend out near the south pole.
  14. The rail rides I have been on might have been more enjoyable with that on. Even with goggles and bandanna still got blasted. But I still like wearing my helmet if I am riding in a rail. I don't think it is a toy though , I would call it riding gear, unless goggles are toys?
  15. I checked Cap'n and i HAVE NO pm's Any one have any experience with soda blasting? I need to find someone who does both so people can get their old rusty beds blasted before we shoot the bedliner.
  16. I would like to fine a sand blaster too. I need to get hooked up with one, for the hsop. We have had a few trucks in there that really need the beds blasted before Turbo Lining.
  17. and again..............................Glen Lerner is in deep ka ka for NOT I REPEAT NOT showing up for a clients MURDER Trial that is why you see more of his ads now than ever.
  18. I don't have seat beats on my truck what is a seat beat anyway? I noticed you have already edited, so I am SURE you mean seat beats. by the way cruising the flats without a seat beat might not be that safe.
  19. Once in a lifetime fun party!!! I do have friends in low places. Amazing how many people were there. Sicko's :dance:
  20. How about we start a new game called the 2 word game .........let me start.
  21. It as the intersection of Rancho and Gowan . Weber Bread.
  22. Glen Lerner just got sanctioned or something like that here in Nevada. He didn't show up for clients murder trial.
  23. They may be stupid but they aren't as dumb as they may look. Next to impossible for them to get hurt except for passing out and drowning part, about 0% chance for them to get electrocuted, with what was set up there. Unless they get hit by lightining. I still wouldn't sit in that pool though, but the least of my concerns would be electrocution.
  24. Thanks pete! can I keep it for my very own?
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